Example sentences of "did [vb infin] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I in number one we did want to replace the word by erm reassures them because we that just for the strength of this .
2 If he did want to mount an exhibition of his work — and she was starting to believe that that too had been a lie , just part of some overall strategy — then he 'd have to find someone else to organise it .
3 And even if Dersingham did want to adopt an heir , who would want to be adopted by Dersingham ?
4 Not for professional historians so much as for people who really did want to have a version of England 's past which makes some sense sort of sense now .
5 She looked at him longingly , Wondering if he really did want to have an affair with her .
6 However , I did need to have a piss even more desparately than before .
7 Now I did choose to do the cooking , I wanted to , and he does the chores , which I hate .
8 The deflation of aggregate demand and the rise in unemployment did appear to reduce the rate of inflation , but once unemployment had settled down at a higher level , the rate of inflation ceased to fall .
9 Nevertheless , setting these consequences to one side for the moment , Friedman 's analysis did appear to countenance the possibility of pursuing expansionary , neutral or contractionary demand management policies .
10 I was very open-minded towards drugs then and I would try anything that was going provided that I did n't think it was too dangerous … and I did like to analyse the thing , the substances , through literature .
11 ‘ You did remember to bless the kiln ? ’
12 I used to try and not say er , you know , to make her feel uncomfortable and that sort of thing , but I did use to draw the line when they used to be eleven and half past eleven saying goodnight and I had to get up at half past , six o'clock , seven o'clock
13 As time went by , however , Protestant propaganda did begin to loosen the laity 's commitment to saint worship and the other Catholic means of intercession .
14 And now Creggan did begin to feel an awe and a deeper fear , for this grim place must be strong indeed to hold an eagle from the sacred site of Callanish .
15 Nevertheless the UK did decide to join the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European Monetary System ( EMS ) in October 1990 [ see p. 37782 ] .
16 At the present time and in er the public fund and the health committee we did decide to have a review after so I think that is actually in control I do n't think we should mess about with it any more at this point .
17 It was just as well that Alan did decide to complete the diet after six weeks , as it turned out that many of his vitamin and mineral levels were sinking fast .
18 In 1954 a paper given at the Institution of Civil Engineers extolling such actions did pause to admit the existence of a peculiarly modern problem :
19 Much to their credit in launching a spirited assault on the Neath lead , Bridgend did attempt to spread the ball wide .
20 They did try to kill the piglet , but as they were quite frightened and obviously not from the right background , they were not very practical about it .
21 The Criminal Law Revision Committee took the view that , if the law did try to restrict the offence in this way , it would inevitably legalize some cases which should remain contrary to the law .
22 The bill passed what was now a Whig-dominated Commons , although the Tories did try to introduce an amendment to make the foreigners take the sacrament in accordance with the rites of the Church of England , and when the Tories gained power after the 1710 General Election they repealed the Act .
23 Well , well they did try to get a song going once sponsored by the club , it was sung by St Matthews ' choir would you believe , but it , it did n't seem to take off , the football supporters seemed to take very much to their own sort of songs , and they , they 'd pick up songs and chants from other grounds now like the Liverpool song You 'll Never Walk Alone , and they used to sing Away the Lads they used to pick that up from the Newcastle supporters and and
24 ‘ We did try to make the guitar sound as different as possible , like with the song Backdoor Romeo .
25 Yes , I expect you did have to give a lot for your house .
26 But he did have to endure the ordeal of being photographed between the bride and bridesmaid .
27 He did manage to reach the Pope before the Normans did ? ’
28 But he did manage to pick the phone up and call an ambulance . ’
29 She had difficulty finding her house key in her pocket , but when she did manage to open the door , she ran into the house and up the stairs screaming wildly for her own mother .
30 In 1701 the theatre company , wanting to revive the show , offered a reward for its return , but without success ; as a result they were never able to mount a complete performance again , though they did manage to assemble the whole of one act for a revival in 1703 .
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