Example sentences of "did [pers pn] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In no case did I make a formal approach to the top management of any of the firms to get approval or support for the research .
2 Did I want a new hobby , to knit for my family , or to make money ?
3 Did I want a three-course dinner ?
4 but in , no it 's not red , it 'll , I think it 's military police , erm , that 's how she can do it with er , erm a maroon beret , because she said to me did I want a peaked cap ? and I said no the , the er , erm maroon beret , so it shows its the parachute regiment
5 Having been blessed with a cold mother , did I seek a cold wife ?
6 ‘ Dear , dear , your highness , ’ he drawled with no attempt to hide the sarcasm in his voice , ‘ did I hit a soft spot ? ’
7 Dust lay thickly over the cracked flagstone floor and only when I ascended a dangerous staircase did I find a solitary reminder of the business that helped to make the Damianis one of the richest Arab families in Jaffa .
8 Never did I see a grander scene — immense rocks rising perpendicularly from the glen to such a height as pained the neck of the spectator , and terminating in the most bold and fantastic manner .
9 As my old friend , the Communist priest , performed the last rites , did I see a half smile on those weatherbeaten features ?
10 So there 's theoretical grounds for suggesting that a variable er variable interval erm , did I say a variable interval or variable ratio ?
11 Did I get a five ?
12 Did you go a little bit crazy when my father kissed you ? ’
13 Did you draw a little picture ?
14 Vera asks me : ‘ Why did you stay a Communist for so long , even after your friend was executed in 1950 ? '' ’ The friend in question had been a schoolmate and they had worked together in the resistance .
15 Did you give a right name ?
16 Did you give a just thought 'ere you dropped off to sleep ,
17 Did you feel a tremendous sense of mystery gathering around Rochester ?
18 Did you see a tiny little pet shop ?
19 When you were playing with the Floyd , did you use a similar sort of rig ?
20 And when did you become a tactical advisor ?
21 Did you buy a remote ?
22 ‘ Why did you buy a foreign car ? ’ he said .
23 Did you have a young family as well ?
24 Did you have a reasonable journey ? ’
25 Did you have a rich sense of destiny and difference ?
26 Did you have a good time tonight then ? — Yes .
27 ‘ So , did you have a good journey ? ’
28 Did you have a good time ? ’ she asked him .
29 Did you have a good journey ? ’
30 Did you have a good trip ? ’
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