Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [vb infin] her [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He did not want her here .
2 At first she had been surprised when a flask and a chunk of bread had been tossed down to her that first night , until she had remembered that de Raimes did not want her dead just yet .
3 After all those months of fighting the knowledge that Anthony did not want her much , it was a heavenly feeling .
4 Though it probably did not benefit her economically as much as has sometimes been thought , it endowed Britain with a great colonial empire and virtually unlimited opportunities of further expansion .
5 It was indeed Mrs. Mounce yet again , and in her frilly nightwear , but Bob did not throw her downstairs and break her neck .
6 He did not answer her immediately , just continued to watch her across the table , his blue eyes suddenly as cold as ice .
7 Her friend Abraham Goldsmid arranged a loan , but it did not last her long .
8 He did not visit her again until the following evening and his first words on entering the room were , ‘ What on earth have you done with Harry ? ’
9 I remembered that was the name of one of Miss Havisham 's relations , the one who did not visit her often .
10 If her name did not explain her then she was no one ; not any more .
11 Just thinking of the dark young man with Romany looks who had taken her virginity , and for a short time had loved her so passionately , did not serve her well enough .
12 Perhaps he did not touch her very deeply but he did not shock her either , her body moving easily , without apprehension , beneath his ; her mind remaining open to the possibility of sensation , observing his pleasure with affection — glad that he should have it — yet wondering more and more frequently if a similar capacity for such joyful sensuality lay concealed somewhere within herself .
13 Apparently it did not take her long to provide services for both husband and wife .
14 It did not take her long to work out that the meal was going to cost her considerably more than she 'd saved by spending a rather miserable night in rue Roland .
15 Although the Russian qualifier is ranked only 238 , she won her first two tournaments ever on grass and Durie did not take her lightly .
16 I did not recognise her straight away .
17 He neither leered nor lunged , he did not pinch her neither did he make a sudden and late demand for hot water and a brandy to his bedroom .
18 I had not believed her then , and I did not believe her now .
19 The Princess of Wales may not have been quick to learn at school — possibly because her lessons did not interest her much — but she has certainly made up for lost time since her marriage .
20 So I left her alone , locking the door behind me , and did not see her again ( she developed bronchitis , was taken into the cottage hospital and died soon afterwards ) .
21 I did not see her again until during the afternoon lessons , when I noticed that she had been sent to stand alone in the middle of the schoolroom .
22 Wendy was still living in Old Wolverton , and because of her shift work I did not see her very often ; and most of those with whom I had been friendliest were billeted in outlying areas .
23 He did not see her precisely as she saw herself but it could have been very much worse .
24 It did not suit her now to observe the emotional turmoil inside Rose .
25 He did not approach her sexually ; he did not pretend grand passion ; he wanted to share his interest in Møn with another who had a similar love of the island .
26 But he did not push her away .
27 But important as all this might once have been it did not concern her now .
28 The Comédie Française did not impress her either , for it seemed to her a collection of posturing gabbling shadows , mocking at plays that she had studied in tranquillity and silence : the celebrated mirrors of Versailles were all spotty , Notre-Dame looked at her as though it had two spires missing from on top , and the famous intellectual cafés were full of old men and tourists .
29 He did not join her immediately as she 'd half expected , but sat down beside her .
30 F major did not help her any , he reflected , as he struggled out of his ridiculous businessman 's shoes .
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