Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [adv] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The second major effect of the introduction of private property occurred , according to Engels , as an indirect result of the change to patriliny , a state which he did not clearly distinguish from patriarchy .
2 Of these , three did not clearly differentiate between the two systems .
3 René Descartes , who attempted to discover truth by doubting everything he could manage to doubt , described the first principle of his method like this in A Discourse on Method , ‘ The first rule was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such ; that is to say … to comprise nothing more in my judgement than what was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt . ’
4 It was rarely possible to unambiguously identify incorrect memories , where descriptions were produced which did not clearly correspond to any junction on the video there was usually no way to decide what event the description represented an incorrect memory for .
5 According to Richards , therefore , critics need two things that they did not habitually possess at the time he was writing , and usually do not possess now : a theory of communication and a theory of valuation .
6 Liza Tremayne , going about her duties at Southern Command and ever susceptible to atmosphere , was possibly more conscious of this than many of the girls with whom she worked , girls who she well knew did not altogether approve of her present lifestyle .
7 After the Leeds Congress Maginn was plainly a disappointed man and probably did not altogether approve of the BDDA 's leadership .
8 It is clear that a reduction or increase in funding did not automatically lead to similar changes in each of the schools .
9 The low N y or denitrification occurred during the presence of PSCs but the existence of PSCs did not automatically result in denitrification because the temperatures were not always low enough ( Fig. 3 a and b ) .
10 Thus , the work of Fama et al on the significance of scrip issues indicated that the issues themselves did not tell the market anything it did not already know from its analysis of the company 's performance during the 30 months before the split .
11 Mr Dienstbier said the new Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , did not yet appear to be a ‘ strong and flexible politician ’ , and indicated he would be acceptable in the post only on condition that President Gustav Husak step down , to be replaced by a non-Communist head of state .
12 They did not yet belong to our world and they certainly belonged to no other .
13 Unfortunately the industry did not yet look on training as an accepted way of improving production , income , living standards , etc .
14 I did not however communicate with any of my friends in England on the Subject save only Sir Ralph Darling .
15 The studious intensity of learning a craft together , the long and fanciful discussions about the philosophies of life that were prevalent topics , and the unorthodoxy of their nightlife did not easily transfer to a happy-families home .
16 This did not immediately lead to what might be defined as specific growth policies .
17 She stumbled over the words , muttered and blushed , her duplicity and stupidity so abundantly clear to her that she was surprised that the charming young woman did not immediately leap to her feet , denounce her as an impostor and throw her out onto the street again .
18 The six who originally slept about 8 hours did not immediately return to their baseline level , and continued to sleep less than they had before , and even a year later they were sleeping 1 to 1.5 hours less than when they started .
19 The Labour Party in parliament did not immediately suffer from the reaction against the General Strike .
20 Nevertheless , rubber studs did not immediately come into general use because the process of changing them ruined the soles of the boots .
21 Even the Diet did not immediately call for offensive action against Russia , but it decided to do so when the tsar refused to negotiate on the basis of anything less than abject Polish submission .
22 He explains how he felt a tingling sensation down his left-hand side but did not immediately call for help .
23 She annoyed her father intensely by regularly wetting herself when he did not immediately attend to her .
24 But the ideas of a united Spain did not completely die with El Cid .
25 Although this Presbyterian nationalism did not normally lead to Jacobitism , we do see a brand of Scottish Whig Jacobitism during William 's reign , centring around the person of James Montgomerie of Skelmorlie .
26 Although the issue of fraud trials was one in which Mrs Thatcher also took a personal interest , she did not normally intervene on the details of criminal policy .
27 As Philippe de Mézières wrote in the late fourteenth century , some may well have come from those members of the lower nobility who did not normally go to war except when summoned by the king , but who , in certain cases , were now being forced to take up arms as a business .
28 Eva hastened to explain that she did not normally move in such exalted circles .
29 What precisely he could do about it was not immediately clear since even the Mamur Zapt 's writ did not normally extend to the domestic relationship between man and wife .
30 All that now remained was to get the next couple of weeks over — have the party , get Karl away , see Erika settled , get the business of the accident cleared up and then , although he did not normally think in melodramatic terms — then the future !
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