Example sentences of "did [adv] [vb infin] [pers pn] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Tina had never been married , though her mother had never given up hope , and did not give it up now , that a wedding would one day take place .
2 Wainfleet did not want it back , the only reason he was carrying it around was that he had jotted a telephone number on the back .
3 If it had reached the Morvan and had then turned round , but did not make it back to base , then a crash on land or sea is self-evident : if on land , only the agency — the weather , engine trouble , or enemy action — is in doubt .
4 The contractors did not block them up , and when the reservoir was filled the water from it burst through the old shafts and flooded A's mines .
5 That was spiteful and unnecessary but she did not score it out .
6 The end of Genesis did not bring us back to the beginning , but it surely left us heading in the right direction .
7 Philip , as overlord of Brittany , at once claimed custody of Geoffrey 's two daughters , and threatened to invade Normandy if Henry II did not hand them over .
8 " In the organization too there were exponents of continued cooperation ; although Younger worked to defeat coalition in 1922 he did not rule it out as a future possibility .
9 ‘ She did not show you up , then ? ’
10 ‘ Darling , they did not follow you about .
11 On the other hand , even if the politician demonstrated his ability to provide a great deal of patronage , if he did not follow it up with effective social contact , he would be laying a poor foundation for a political interest , and the gratitude of the freeholders under those circumstances could be short-lived .
12 At least , I did not catch him whispering to any of the other people going in and out of the place , and he did not point me out to anyone at any time .
13 ‘ Terry did not string us along and was very open .
14 He murmured something to the effect that youth must be served , ‘ John Donne ’ , but the interviewer did not take him up on his quotation .
15 Elisabeth heard the words but did not take them in consciously .
16 But Gran did not take it in .
17 Stupidly — but I did have a lot of luggage — cheeses , books for John and my hill boots — I did not take it out with me this trip .
18 That has yet to be tested in public , but the evening certainly did not put her off — — she has been an ardent fan of the Welsh National Opera ever since .
19 Although the Highways Act of 1835 steadily drove pedestrianism off the roads , it did not drive it out of existence .
20 He felt automatically for the light switch but did not turn it on .
21 The member of staff when I spoke to him about it afterwards — I did not call him in to speak to him about it immediately because I did not think it was either my place or my duty — I told him that she was very concerned about that being said to her son and quite frankly so was I , and really was that the sort of thing to say and he agreed it was n't the thing to say but he said ‘ I was so angry at the time .
22 At first she did not let them in ‘ because I thought they were drunks from the pub next door ’ .
23 The other two held their breath , waiting for the inevitable squeak , but the sensitive fingers did not let him down .
24 That lavish endowment of talent , which had been blotted up in sport and intense boyish preoccupations , was now called up in all its force and it did not let him down .
25 It did not let him down .
26 Her memory did not let her down .
27 Indeed , quite early on , I tried to work out in my mind what it was that made his personality ( though he did not like the word ) so compelling ; and I came to the conclusion that it was because he did not let me down in my own estimation of him .
28 Clare waited , but Carolyn did not pick it up again .
29 I assume he did not pick it up on Southfields Station ! ’
30 If Zoser did not pick it up , then that was God 's will .
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