Example sentences of "well as [v-ing] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with the algae , and it is known to have caused serious illness , such as liver damage , in human beings , as well as producing skin reactions and allergies .
2 As well as overseeing community care implementation , the group is driving forward exploration of new areas which were only identified through The X Factor process of exchanging perceptions in a structured and candid way .
3 As well as aiding iron absorption , vitamin C is also essential for the formation of connective tissue between cells .
4 Water safety demonstrations will also take place and there will be a chance to learn first aid and resuscitation techniques as well as enjoying lake cruises and illustrated talks .
5 As well as wearing film badges , some employees are investigated for internal contamination by radioactive substances if this is believed to have occurred , and one father of a case was tested for internal contamination by uranium in the year before his child had leukaemia diagnosed .
6 Liverpool was a relative late-comer to the great docks of Britain , having risen to prominence in the eighteenth century through the cotton trade , importing raw cotton and ( like Bristol [ q.v. ] ) having a lively traffic in slaves , as well as exporting cotton goods .
7 As well as reporting policy requirements to advice workers , the manager must pass back to the area office any new training needs that have emerged from basic advice work .
8 This involves analysing patterns of illness and mortality , as well as conducting market research to discover what local people perceive to be their needs .
9 This alarms others who are unimpressed by being able to order their groceries down the tube and remember the TV-eye in Orwell 's 1984 which spied on the populace as well as thundering propaganda messages at them .
10 As well as receiving priority bookings , members are entitled to reduce tickets to these events .
11 Mergers may lead to economies of scale and increasing economic efficiency as well as creating business units of the necessary size and strength to compete on equal terms with the largest companies outside the Community .
12 To achieve this , we believe in the personal touch , as well as using computer technology .
13 It aims to achieve a high level of income for ordinary shareholders as well as providing capital growth .
14 ILE will be key in ensuring applications work on the new hardware , as well as providing performance enhancements , according to Haines .
15 Edison , New Jersey-based Four Seasons Software Inc says it has added Cobol file structure support to the SuperNova proprietary language : the Cobol support will enable users to build SuperNova applications which maintain Cobol files , as well as providing migration paths for Cobol data into relational database management systems ; SuperNova is from $1,000 to $100,000 depending upon the system .
16 The Cobol support will enable users to build SuperNova applications which maintain Cobol files , as well as providing migration paths for Cobol data into relational database management systems .
17 Fleetrak automatically collects data on the locations and status of vehicles and loads as well as providing exception reports and historical analysis of fleet operations .
18 It also undertakes installation and training as well as providing software enhancements and a helpdesk .
19 According to the company it allows users to isolate hardware problems from software configuration problems , as well as providing system memory tests for locating malfunctioning memory chips .
20 These basins can usually be installed at any height , and hide the plumbing , as well as providing storage space for bathroom bottles or towels .
21 The conference will cover the leading edge of the technology as well as providing user feedback while the exhibition will allow both current and potential users a unique chance to see the market leaders under one roof
22 As well as providing study areas , the new building also has exhibition space which local people will be able to use .
23 Foreign aid played an important role in helping to cover Bangladesh 's large budget and balance-of-payments deficits , as well as providing food aid to bridge the gap between local production and demand .
24 This is a beautiful section of the canal and will make an excellent route out of town to the south-west , as well as providing cycle access to Heriot-Watt campus .
25 As well as providing pregnancy counselling to any girl at school up to the age of eighteen years , its ongoing work is to look after the social and educational needs of a small group of six or seven pregnant schoolgirls or school-age mothers who attend the unit every weekday for a period of twelve months .
26 As well as providing background music , the stand will include an ongoing workshop demonstrating the process of producing new pieces .
27 As well as assisting technology development , MITI organized a leasing corporation to lease only Japanese computers on competitive terms to those available abroad .
28 DTS claims the Accommodator system , as well as handling telephone traffic and the facilities mentioned above , makes an important contribution to housekeeping , maintenance and billing functions .
29 The system received and stored the best current bids , qualified customer buy and sell orders , executed orders as well as monitoring stock inventory and profit .
30 As well as promoting wheelchair basketball , John was enthusiastically encouraging others to take part in fencing , tennis , indoor carpet bowls , table tennis , and boccia , all of which were on offer on Saturday .
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