Example sentences of "well [conj] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There may also be changes in performance , with some schools doing better and others less well than in the past .
2 Buttons landed perfectly and came away from the jump so well that by the time her father had collected himself and his horse Artemis and Buttons were alongside them .
3 Martin Luther , whose own convictions had been tempered and proved like the finest steel , knew well that in the hour of trial each man must have his own convictions , or he will find himself with none .
4 Well if through the winter months when there 's no fire in there , no nothing in there the damp is bound to be coming through there .
5 Nine months or a year 's time we may have a different animal working in that office and it may well be some person who has who does some J L O work to supplement John and does some project work , now er Jackie has indicated she 'd love to fill that role , and we all know what project she 'd want to be doing it , but er if we do put somebody in that role they will be project officer as well and on the wall will be a year planner and it 'll have things like crucial crew gala day and all these major major things and that particular officer will work quite closely with the new Pat and they 'll be able to take some of the weight off our shoulders so when we start planning for something like crucial crew you can delegate some of the work to the project officer and perhaps the other sergeant Now I know things do n't always work out quite that straightforwardly but you know the last year has been a bastard of a year for us in terms of sickness , four S L O's have been on long-term sick we 've lost Pat for all that time Jed was off for quite a while
6 The seats against the stair well and at the end of the canopy were fixed , but the others were reversible .
7 I am grateful for my hon. Friend 's comments , because the significant fact about St. Ivel 's sponsorship is that it is a perfect example of sponsorship working very well and of the use of the business sponsorship incentive scheme , which I just mentioned .
8 As a cushioned trainer it performed well and with the addition of GRID , PU in the midsole and external collar straps , it 's far more stable than any of its predecessors .
9 We need two million pounds more from the corporation er , and obviously we will be making that our first priority for investing into Essex er , and to obviously erm as Paul said er you 're prepared to make that a priority as well and through the housing corporation .
10 South east also doing well and in the south east , looking at the it seems to be the case , one ca n't put too strong an el too strong erm a sort of weight on it but it seems to be the case that in the south east it 's the food , drink and tobacco sector and chemicals which are tending to , to lead the way there erm Scotland also strong export demand .
11 Well and before the war .
12 ‘ I decided that was the job that appealed and it 's just as well because at the interview I talked myself out of the other jobs by being so keen on the post office . ’
13 That has now changed Eastern arts no longer support the gallery now one obvious reason for that is the gallery started so well because of the enthusiasm from a number of professional people who came along and gave their advice and much of their time and such a body of people has not been called upon for a number of years now and once again a request to discuss this with Mr was refused .
14 We both knew only too well because of the business we were in and the sort of people we were what could happen . ’
15 Eurodisney and its advisers , SG Warburg , can feel confident that the issue will go well because of the interest already shown in France , where half the £607m of shares will be issued .
16 The prophet Habbakuk expressed this truth very well when under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he wrote concerning God ‘ Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity . ’
17 The schools were blamed for this and new courses — such as TVEI ( Technical and Vocational Educational Initiative ) and CPVE ( Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education ) — were introduced into schools themselves as well as into the gap between school and work .
18 His chanting put fear into the hearts of the listening families as well as into the mind of the old and dying man who was his father .
19 And now , European companies are realising that negotiating skills are essential to ALL aspects of executive decision making — both within as well as outside the company .
20 The effectiveness of that is not just to make Ransom 's struggle real , but also to demonstrate the metaphysical excitement of all moral choices , on the silent planet as well as beyond the music of the spheres .
21 The tape measure had now to go down into the hollow as well as across the circle , and it was not long enough to do this .
22 Thereafter , the long-term future of the game could be resolved by a 10-10-10-10 formula which would stimulate interest at the lower end of the league as well as at the top .
23 In future it is hoped that information will be posted at the nearest car parks , as well as at the crag , allowing for a change of plan before walking to the climbs !
24 The rules contain no provision about standing at the hearing stage , but the basic test of sufficient interest appears to apply at the hearing stage as well as at the leave stage .
25 He has one fitted here as well as at the office , so he need never be in doubt about agreements he reaches or deals he makes .
26 The milder range in fact serves not to challenge but to define the limits of propriety ; they set a horizon beyond which " improper " linguistic use will not go , and the audience can laugh with relief at the reassurance that they will not be shocked , as well as at the impudence of these terms .
27 At each stage — prior to drafting as well as at the end of each stage of drafting — teachers confer with pupils .
28 Director Tay Garnett took Beery aside and pointed out that Rooney was loved by everyone on the set as well as at the studio , and it would be ‘ most unfortunate if someone decided to part your hair with a sun arc .
29 An advisory group , which includes distinguished engineers and scientists from outside BP , has been formed to advise on the effectiveness of the new research and engineering structure as it evolves , as well as on the relevance and potential value of emerging technologies .
30 The entry of the TNCs , therefore , has had effects on the sexual division of labour as well as on the division of labour in general ( see Brydon and Chant , 1989 , ch.7 ) .
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