Example sentences of "well [verb] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The commemorative battle was sufficiently well choreographed to avoid serious damage … although there were still plenty of cuts and bruises .
2 The threat , however , was apparent from the outset , for Montrose 's enemies the Campbells had been actively attempting to disappoint the duke 's recommendation , and were thus well placed to take full advantage of any subsequent trouble to strengthen Argyll 's following and weaken the interest of the family of Montrose .
3 However , encouragingly , our Export Department is well experienced and appears to be well placed to take full advantage of export opportunities .
4 Since the acquisition , a restructuring of the marketing and finance functions has provided increased focus for this business which is well placed to take full advantage of the developing Mexican economy .
5 They were well placed to exert political pressure , for in 1753 Captain Robert Cunningham was the candidate for the parliamentary seat for this district , avowedly standing as a friend of the Duke of Argyll .
6 Enterprise Engineering 's facilities are well equipped to handle new generation exotic steels .
7 This is of practical importance particularly in the case of closely held companies or wholly-owned subsidiaries where the conduct complained of may well have received unanimous shareholder assent , which would otherwise have the effect of regularising the transaction and hence preventing the liquidator from taking remedial action .
8 In this case a driver may well have exercised due care and attention but the offence of driving without reasonable consideration may still be committed .
9 On the one occasion when I made a direct appeal to her , in connection with the battle against the closed shop for journalists which I describe later , her response was gratifyingly supportive and it was no fault of hers that she was unable to persuade Lord Hailsham to a course of action that might well have altered journalistic history .
10 A number of those involved were artisans from the Kentish towns , some of whom , particularly those connected with the cloth trade , may have had a special grievance , as a sharp decline in cloth exports after 1448 could well have caused local unemployment ( 66 , pp.96–7 ) .
11 Such an act may well have provoked strong reaction in both ecclesiastical and lay circles , and Osred , exiled son of Alhred , was tempted back the following year from exile on the Isle of Man by the oaths of certain Northumbrian nobles ; but his supporters then deserted him and he was captured by King Aethelred and killed at Aynburg on 14 September 792 .
12 An ordinary freedom-fighter or revolutionary — and there were a great many of them operating in the Holy Land at the time — might well have won popular support for his actions , but could not have been acclaimed as the Messiah .
13 The Declaration was , however , drafted at the end of January at Nuremberg and the curia may well have had advance knowledge of the text .
14 They may well have had sexual intercourse regularly before the act in question and , because a sexual relationship may involve a degree of compromise , she may sometimes have agreed only with some reluctance to such intercourse .
15 The reason why marital rape of a cohabiting spouse is not considered to be unique and grave is that the couple may well have had sexual intercourse regularly before the act in question .
16 He may well have attracted public attention initially by excelling in hurley or Gaelic football , and have achieved some prominence as a county councillor .
17 Or perhaps the increasingly unstable environments of the late Cainozoic associated with climatic deterioration caused a selection for eurytopic organisms well adapted to withstand environmental instability .
18 It is possible they could be copies of a well known make called Valentino .
19 A staggering 17.9% of the total UK population of 7 to 10 year olds are expected to see it — and children are well known to have outstanding recall of cinema advertisements .
20 Personal loans and credit card facilities are too well known to require detailed comment here .
21 For example , at the next table at the Exmoor Forest Hotel , he had overheard two people talking to each other , a ‘ very well bred looking old man with a dry peevish voice whom I took to be mentally deranged and a woman who was either his daughter or his nurse ’ .
22 It is , however , much more difficult to construct and you would be well advised to seek professional help in making this feature .
23 However , companies without any experience of operations in Britain would be well advised to seek professional advice before attempting to carry out work likely to require planning permission .
24 In any situation there may be unforeseen pitfalls or legal difficulties , and any business contemplating preparing a set of standard terms , or changing an existing set , would be well advised to obtain legal advice rather than go it alone .
25 These have sturdy telescopic aluminium legs which are well braced to provide good support , and are fitted with pan-and-tilt heads to enable you to make smooth camera moves .
26 Ken Preston-Mafham has over 35 000 colour slides and more than 10 years of experience behind him , so he is well qualified to offer sound advice on the trials and tribulations of photography ‘ in the field ’ .
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