Example sentences of "now look [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mad Eric has personalised his scum top by wearing the collar standing up and ironing down the front corners to make it look like a cravat — he now looks like Victorian Dad out of Viz. Berk .
3 Once in , the pain subsiding , they very deliberately move around so that the two lines are elsewhere — and what you are reading now looks like basic Sanskrit .
4 At least the knights had not been party to the massacre ; they had achieved their task and now looked for suitable reward .
5 We are not , therefore , now looking at another paradigm , another system .
6 As in the rest of Europe , breeders are now looking for young stock with high genetic potential and are no longer settling for the fancy animal with a borderline production pedigree .
7 Yasmin said she 'd had enough and was now looking for full-time modelling work .
8 Mr Kingsland is now looking for another companion .
9 Due to an increasing demand for the morale boosting treatment , the Red Cross is now looking for more Hand Care and Beauty Care volunteers to spend half a day each week with patients in local hospitals .
10 Talking during the week with a veteran of the ANC — a man who has opposed Smith publicly and privately for years — I was surprised to hear him say , ‘ Whether the PM was right or wrong , we must assist him now to look into this idea of a change of heart . ’
11 But if we turn now to look at dramatic playing we see that that particular mode does indeed reflect the private/public tension in all respects .
12 The House must now look with great caution at the policies that Labour now purports to espouse .
13 Let us now look at one conversation and see how this works .
14 In our case the wind is the driving force , so let's now look at strong wind technique .
15 Therapist : ‘ OK , we have looked at your current difficulties , let's now look at some background information [ turns page of assessment sheet ] .
16 Now look at that relationship and see if you can design some improvement .
17 No , now look at that lot , in that trolley that us .
18 The children , who stand in a small cluster near the goat enclosure , now look at each other and laugh , too , but when the laibon swings his impressive , lidded gaze towards them , they freeze .
19 But now look at corporate advertising .
20 Ha , ha , ha , now look at this woman !
21 Dot wondered , did Baby now look like this doll 's melted companion , face and hands gone , only his white clothes left ?
22 Minton now looked to Norman Bowler as his companion on trips abroad .
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