Example sentences of "now be [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The thing to do now is to explain the situation as it affects you at present .
2 The challenge now is to spread the exporting ethos throughout our industry and to make exporting a normal part of business here .
3 My method now is to take the tension setting down as low as the thickness of the yarn will allow , knit a couple of rows , then increase to the loose tension .
4 Thus , the JanSport backpacks which were once Lo Life standard issue are now widely derided , as Moet and his friends turn to more sophisticated techniques : ‘ The way me and my friends do it now is to wear a suit and tie like we was just comin' from work , and carry a travel bag to carry another suit .
5 The problem now is to assess the relationship between enterprise democracy ( as socialist objective ) and ‘ Industrial Democracy ’ ( as object of current struggle and debate ) .
6 ‘ What we are being asked to do now is to sacrifice the development of these areas [ of particular value to wildlife ] in order to protect the environment .
7 What we are being asked to do now is to sacrifice the development of these areas in order to protect the environment .
8 The need now is to foster the diversification of the rural economy so as to open up wider and more varied employment opportunities . ’
9 The urgency of their lives now is to find a mate .
10 My idea now is to get a type rating on the 700 , not to explore it as a journalistic exercise .
11 The only hope now was to reach the hand-pump in the galley and see if he could keep the level within bounds .
12 Her job now was to plan the future .
13 But in Anselm 's eyes , her wearing of the veil bound her irretrievably to the monastic life : to draw back now was to take the road to damnation .
14 The only function I could perform now was to take the body back to Skeldale House for disposal .
15 All Vologsky had to do now was to fly the Foxbat across the Chinese border and bring her out safely again .
16 The movies had moved from down-town to the suburbs and to small towns and the object now was to capture every section of the masses .
17 Her worry now was to find a way in which to tell Helen .
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