Example sentences of "now [vb past] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Among the vanquished was the master chimney-sweeper , whilom incredulous at Stagg 's Gardens , who now lived in a stuccoed house three storeys high , and gave himself out , with golden flourishes upon a varnished board , as contractor for the cleansing of railway chimneys by machinery .
2 Twenty million of them dispossessed , twenty million told they now lived in a foreign country and they could never be Germans again , for ever more .
3 We ( or they , as I would probably have said at the time ) now lived in a detached , fairly large house in a village in Berkshire ; my father taught at a primary school in a nearby village , and my mother had a job at the Harwell Atomic Research Establishment .
4 Corbett nodded , smiled his thanks and went over to where Alexander now slouched in a half-drunken stupor .
5 And I have a feeling- ’ She now drew in a long breath before resuming ‘ And it 's more than a feeling , it 's a certainty that , although we 're leaving here , being forced to leave here , we 'll return , for this is our home .
6 Monday dawned to a nameless figure answering questions for a non-department whose head had been defeated in the election and now reigned in a spiritual fashion from the Lords .
7 The poor man now lay in a great fourposter bed while the two old beldames clacked and muttered to themselves as they fastened splints to his leg and carefully washed his naked , bruised body .
8 Next morning they attended the Requiem Mass for their dead colleague who had been dressed by the monks for burial and now lay in a new pine coffin in front of the sanctuary steps of the abbey church .
9 Although some years later he was to describe the kind of people with whom he now associated in a less than enthusiastic manner , it was really only in such company that he could feel any sense of purposefulness .
10 Her hair now fell in a glossy blonde swath about her ears , feathering back delicately from her face .
11 Those gruesome robots which had restrained the trio — and the Astropath — reminded Jaq so strongly of images he had viewed of traitor legionnaires , the polluted renegades spawned by the would-be Emperor-slayers of long ago who now lurked in a certain terrible , twisted zone of the galaxy …
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