Example sentences of "now [vb past] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The strategy that Freeman is following is similar to that of classical structuralism ( e.g. Lévi-Strauss 1963 ) now melded into a Lakoffian brand of cognitivism .
2 Charles looked at Alex 's haggard face , which now glowed with a new light .
3 Among the vanquished was the master chimney-sweeper , whilom incredulous at Stagg 's Gardens , who now lived in a stuccoed house three storeys high , and gave himself out , with golden flourishes upon a varnished board , as contractor for the cleansing of railway chimneys by machinery .
4 Twenty million of them dispossessed , twenty million told they now lived in a foreign country and they could never be Germans again , for ever more .
5 We ( or they , as I would probably have said at the time ) now lived in a detached , fairly large house in a village in Berkshire ; my father taught at a primary school in a nearby village , and my mother had a job at the Harwell Atomic Research Establishment .
6 Beside the stone shell of the Flemyngs ' new mill , at the back of a piece of ground it now shared with a new carpet factory , long-haired cattle were browsing desultorily among mudded grass and stacks of timber .
7 Nkrumah now asked for a constitutional adviser to be sent from England .
8 Corbett nodded , smiled his thanks and went over to where Alexander now slouched in a half-drunken stupor .
9 And I have a feeling- ’ She now drew in a long breath before resuming ‘ And it 's more than a feeling , it 's a certainty that , although we 're leaving here , being forced to leave here , we 'll return , for this is our home .
10 Mr Boyd told them that the name ‘ Buller ’ derived from the French bouloir , reduced by local folk to ‘ the Pot ’ , in which cauldron Dr Johnson now gambolled with a certain heartiness , speculating upon the depth of the caves , and their uses for smugglers and pirates , or shelters for boatmen : Mr Boyd also told them of people from Peterhead holding picnics in one of the caverns .
11 The face now shone with a dark and greedy malice .
12 He now embarked on a new recording contract for Capitol , and proved wrong all the critics who 'd said he was just emulating Crosby when he developed his own new determined style which culminated in 1955 with his album Songs For Swinging Lovers , one of the first best-selling LPs .
13 Monday dawned to a nameless figure answering questions for a non-department whose head had been defeated in the election and now reigned in a spiritual fashion from the Lords .
14 It now looked like a straight playoff between Christopher Meadowbrook and Spunk Davis , with maybe Nub Forkner as an outside possibility .
15 The poor man now lay in a great fourposter bed while the two old beldames clacked and muttered to themselves as they fastened splints to his leg and carefully washed his naked , bruised body .
16 Next morning they attended the Requiem Mass for their dead colleague who had been dressed by the monks for burial and now lay in a new pine coffin in front of the sanctuary steps of the abbey church .
17 Some of these creatures now grew to a considerable size , 60 centimetres or so .
18 Culture now coincided with a large economic region .
19 Her hair now fell in a glossy blonde swath about her ears , feathering back delicately from her face .
20 This last reflection — it was Nova Scotia , he was pretty sure — seemed to tidy up the whole matter , which his mind now presented as a uniform interlocking structure , with working parts .
21 Maggie now slept on a low bed draped with a Chinese spread covered in dancing dragons and spinning suns , exactly underneath the centre of these windows , and on clear nights the moon rode over her head , and the clouds , illuminated a sickly yellow by the vastness of the city , would race past .
22 Those gruesome robots which had restrained the trio — and the Astropath — reminded Jaq so strongly of images he had viewed of traitor legionnaires , the polluted renegades spawned by the would-be Emperor-slayers of long ago who now lurked in a certain terrible , twisted zone of the galaxy …
23 It was in the boot-and-brushing room that Nicandra found her at last — after a search through the larders , the dairy , and the empty laundry , its warm steam now subsided into a vaporous chill .
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