Example sentences of "now [vb past] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the concessions met the demands made at the start of an unprecedented national protest campaign on June 10 , they now failed to satisfy the opposition , who responded by continuing to call for Ratsiraka 's resignation .
2 Israel 's principal foreign-policy objective now became to break the walls of its political isolation in the region.Its first success was full diplomatic recognition ny Turkey in 1949 ; the second was de facto recognition from Iran in 1950 .
3 America , Canada , Britain and Sweden are all now expected to see a fall in economic output this year ; America 's GNP is forecast to shrink by 0.4% .
4 Baldi , who had been watching the show , now tried to find a way around the Jaguar for himself .
5 In fact , ’ Corbett now tried to clear the doubts in his own mind , ‘ why did n't the Queen send out a search-party for her husband ?
6 Kenneth Clarke , the Minister of Health , now proposed to introduce the market mechanism , to give doctors more control over their own budgets and , perhaps more alarmingly to many , to allow hospitals to contract out of the health service altogether if they wished .
7 I know of one company where everyone became so highly motivated that most of them left , because they now found frustrating a pace which they had found acceptable before .
8 Throughout his campaign , Reagan had made clear his intention to cut government expenditure , to lower taxes and to increase defence spending , and he and his staff now moved to make a reality of those promises .
9 All that day she thought about his words , considered them , agonised over them , tried to justify her behaviour that now seemed to bear no justification at all .
10 The Ministry of propaganda did what it could to play down such disasters and tried for as long as possible to preserve the illusion that they were not important , but Fascism now began to lose a lot of its popular support .
11 With frightening suddenness he now began ripping the pages out of the book in handfuls and throwing them in the waste-paper basket .
12 For the first time since leaving the Harvard Business School of Management Klepner now began to have a glimmer of understanding of the many important practical differences between Europe and the United States .
13 Paradoxically , Anthea now threatened to become a millstone to drag him down .
14 Unaware of events at Koepang , the Major now decided to withdraw the Company to the south coast and maintain its role protecting Sparrow Force 's eastern flank .
15 Miss Honey now decided to ask a question that normally she would not have dreamed of asking the class on its first day .
16 Because import duty ( 35 per cent on ornamented goods ) and freight charges , had from the start pushed prices up in the US , Peter now decided to make a virtue of necessity and deliberately aimed for an exclusive designer image with corresponding price tag .
17 The parries in opposition to Government now decided to infiltrate the police and also to influence government servants .
18 Her mother was holding a small purse of kid leather , which she now untied to reveal a silver chain , upon which hung a medallion of the Blessed Virgin .
19 They now proceeded to criticize a number of left-wing Labour councils for their management of particular policies .
20 1–3–1859 The Convener read the following letter from Claud McFie Esquire with reference to a donation of £400 which he had given to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund and a like sum to the Supplementary Sustentation Fund and in reference to which he reserved power to demand the interest during his life ; that he was anxious to promote the prosperity of the new Church of Bowmore in Islay , and now desired to appropriate the interest of the latter sum for five years , for that charge , and on this being complied with he gave up for that period his claim for the interest of the former sum , viz £400 , to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund .
21 As with truffles , however , morels have until now resisted Joining the ranks of domesticated fungi .
22 Or could a third party claim that it had never indicated dissent and only now wished to exercise the right ?
23 Councillors , who had grown up and learnt their politics in a labour movement founded on the dominance of Sheffield 's skilled workers in the steel and engineering industries , now had to formulate a response as this dominance quite literally crumbled to the ground .
24 She smiled at him softly , he looked so young and vulnerable in the too-big night-shirt , a child who until now had borne the responsibilities of a man .
25 We now had to create a manufacturing improvement strategy to let us do it .
26 The old African prohibition of multiplying sites of popular devotion to legions of homemade martyrs was turned inside out : every altar now had to have a martyr 's relic beneath it .
27 Unfortunately , at that precise second , the makeshift platform gave way and Bobby disappeared at the very height of his rhetoric with the chairman , the union secretary , the workers ’ deputy and the four constables who by now had infiltrated the platform party .
28 We now had to keep the children confined to a thin corridor of safety , hemmed in as they were both by insects and reptiles .
29 The Judge told the pair that having chosen to become involved in the evil activities of the IRA they now had to pay the price of their folly while those who had sent them out remained at large .
30 My earnings now had to pay the mortgage and household bills as well as subsidise the café .
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