Example sentences of "now [verb] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well we have production course you have made your appointment to see Mr and Mrs who are existing clients of , you will now conduct the first appointment starting with greeting and appropriate sociability which is the first part of step one , through to producing the C C Q and then further copy pages two and four of the attached C C Q in your booklet , so two and four are er we 've got four and two , the personal details and may be the wrong way round there , so it 's advisable to say you complete the first part of it , page two and then the employment details okay , so you doing a little bit of exploring there so if you like you can be doing all of step one and a little bit of step two , buying in this particular role playing .
2 The idea being is that they would now spend the first year at college , possibly we then would look at them better and
3 There are fourteen references to defence in the index of the old Government Commission files in Registry , and I have now wasted the first hour and a half of my working day checking through them all .
4 Coming soon are a new wetsuit and high cut trousers and Nigel has now finished the first sea kayak with another on the way .
5 The United Kingdom has now taken the first step towards European Monetary Union which is intended to lead eventually to a single European currency .
6 The navy , which had failed to catch the invaders en route , now struck the first counter-blow against them .
7 Now Fishwatch the first scheme of its type in the country has been launched by angling policeman sergeant Tony Biggs .
8 Now comes the first LP — picked up by Guernica in the face of widespread interest — which confirms the potential ‘ Palomine ’ , with nine original tracks , and one Sebadoh cover , is a warm , uplifting and engrossing record .
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