Example sentences of "no way of [verb] the " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 We had no way of reading the other 's mind .
2 The conference being of a very high level , the participants had been limited to just eighteen very distinguished gentlemen and two ladies — a German countess and the formidable Mrs Eleanor Austin , at that time still resident in Berlin ; but each of these might reasonably bring secretaries , valets and interpreters , and there proved no way of ascertaining the precise number of such persons to expect .
3 There was no way of verifying the report .
4 It is n't quite so quick to use as the knobs of a panel-mounted set as there is no way of rotating the full MHz figures separately from the decimals ( it takes my fingers well over 150 twiddles to get from 118,00 to 136.975 Mhz ) , but there is a twenty-frequency memory bank , and you can cycle quickly through the stored frequencies .
5 Thus there seems no way of taking the adjective in ( 35 ) as adverbal ( although ( 35 ) may be acceptable under one of the other adjectival interpretations ) : ( 35 ) the technician saw the machine faulty However , there remains the possibility of a verb which expresses the idea that some property is maintained in the object because of the action denoted by the verb .
6 Thus ‘ player 1 plays H , player 2 plays D ’ is a Nash equilibrium of the Hawk-Dove game , but it is not an ESS because , in the symmetric case , there is no way of distinguishing the players .
7 She also sought , of course , the more usual and natural means of escape and fantasy , such as the watching of advertisements , the reading of fiction , and the spinning of self-indulgent romances , but her experience of life as a child was so narrow that she had no way of telling the possible from the absurd .
8 Dream interpretation had been widely practised in the ancient world , but since Christian theologians could establish no way of telling the difference between divine and demonic dreams , divination of any sort was pronounced heretical .
9 ‘ There has been no violence , and there is no way of telling the manner of her death . ’
10 There was no way of combining the information in the workbooks , the sounds of the audio tape or the images of the slides and film strips .
11 There is no way of stopping the seeping of water , by every valley and hollow it still finds its way .
12 Hitherto many specialists opted out of the controversy by saying we have no way of knowing the internal temperature of dinosaurs because of the reasons mentioned above .
13 Since Mr Johnson died before the museum was built , he could have had no way of knowing the context in which his collection would eventually be shown .
14 But there is no way of knowing the true numbers — women come and go , depending on their economic circumstances .
15 The Masai believe that when a woman has sex with a younger man ( in truth I have no way of knowing the relative ages ) the woman becomes younger and more beautiful .
16 Kuhn 's position leaves us with no way of criticizing the decisions and mode of operating of the scientific community .
17 There 's no way of removing the erm tape .
18 Erm it 's quite important from the next thing that he talks about is er ex abolishing exorbitant levies , obviously he says as the country is not yet unified and the authority of the imperialist and the warlords have not been overthrown there is as yet no way of removing the heavy burden of government taxes and levies on the peasants .
19 It would not be possible to design either of these two garments in the STANDARD version of Designaknit as there is no way of creating the specially shaped front pieces .
20 But it is equally true that there is no way of foreseeing the health status of the very elderly of 2010 or 2022 ; people grown up in the historically exceptionally prosperous period since World War Two may have very different health expectations than those currently aged over 75 who were born before 1911 in a very different environment from the present .
21 If there can be no way of guaranteeing the full representation of all views , is it possible to create structures which lessen or remove restrictions on press ‘ freedom ’ ?
22 The specific point that Nagel is making is that there is no way of justifying the conditions of choice in the original position except from the point of view of a certain conception of the good .
23 It is no use trying to bring quality standards to lawyers if there is no way of examining the quality of the advice that lawyers receive from others .
24 They shared with Foxton the misfortune of coming into existence at the beginning of the motor car era , and whatever miscalculations may have been made in the construction , there was for all of them no way of gaining the large amounts of traffic that alone would have made them profitable .
25 It ensured there was no turning back , no switching to alternative paths , no way of avoiding the future it had prepared .
26 But , though they both admitted they desired it , they could find no way of ending the arms race .
27 On the other hand are those convinced that the only explanation of such injustice must be the existence of God ( for otherwise there would be no way of satisfying the human desire to see justice prevail ) .
28 First , children have no way of judging the relevance of any information they do find .
29 But in general , she admits that there was , there proved to be no way of freeing the child from anxiety .
30 There is , however , no way of overcoming the objection that analyses of Seascale data for this period are not amenable to any rigorous statistical evaluation because the area , age group , and types of disease to be studied were selected as a result of the observed clustering of cases .
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