Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [to-vb] on the " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 In England the Lords of Trade certainly had no money to spend on the colonies ; and would have been quite as surprised as any earlier generations at a suggestion that they ought to be spending money on them .
2 But when the defendant appeared at the Bow Street Magistrates ' Court to answer an information that he had committed the offence under section 5(1) ( a ) of the Act of 1988 of driving with excess alcohol in the blood , he pleaded not guilty and at the close of the case for the prosecution a submission was made that he had no case to answer on the ground that the officer 's requirement at Vine Street Police Station that he provide a specimen of blood had not been validly made in accordance with section 7(4) .
3 On appeal to the Crown Court it was held that the defendant had no case to answer on the ground , put shortly , that the constable had not independently decided whether to require blood or urine but had simply followed the Metropolitan Police pro forma instruction then current .
4 After evidence had been led for the prosecution counsel for the defendant submitted that there was no case to answer on the theft charges because the manager of the shop had authorised the transactions , so that there had been no appropriation within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Act .
5 Moreover , even if I were called , there is no opportunity to vote on the issue .
6 No progress to report on the Baberton Crescent scheme but enquiries have been received from Woodhall area .
7 No progress to report on the Baberton Crescent scheme but enquiries have been received from Woodhall area .
8 ‘ So you 've no light to cast on the murder ? ’
9 There was no attempt to jump on the bandwagon of the more flamboyant recruitment advertisements for commission paid saleswork , for example : " I 'm Martin .
10 The French were thus one hour from victory ; just one hour from separating the allied armies , yet as the sun climbed higher and as the smoke of the dying fires thinned , the French made no move to advance on the crossroads .
11 Equally , parents have no right to insist on the provision of single-sex schooling , nor to payment by the local authority of fees for educating the child in a single-sex school in the private sector .
12 He said that the FIA tribunal had no right to rule on the case until a hearing in Portugal and should not have heard representation from Mansell and Ferrari at a hearing in Paris last Thursday .
13 The FIA tribunal postponed any decision , but Balestre said it had no right to rule on the case until after the Portuguese hearing and should not have heard representation .
14 I think not : in Case 145/88 the court had no need to rely on the criterion of proportionality — any more than it does in these cases — since it was immediately apparent , as it is now in these proceedings , that the obstacles created by the national legislation in question certainly were not , and are not , of such a kind as to compel the member state to dispense with a measure necessary for the attainment of a justified objective .
15 A further point is that there is no need to rely on the right unless the decompilation is carried out to a substantial part of the original program ( there is no infringement to excuse otherwise ) .
16 And everyone knows that Siban has no desire to sit on the Dragon Throne .
17 The company had no comment to make on the legal action .
18 By drawing attention to these links I have no wish to insist on the virtues of ‘ ordinary language ’ analysis .
19 I have no wish to tread on the toes of colleagues who have legitimate local interests , but from the national standpoint , I think that it is regrettable that the link will not take that route .
20 Since the ECJ is clear in Katsikas that the Directive does not require the transfer to be made binding on the employee , it is difficult to see how the ultra vires argument can be resisted , unless the courts rescue the government by an extraordinary act of interpretation of Regulation 5 by holding that the UK Regulations , even in their present form , impose no obligation to transfer on the employee .
21 She nodded in confirmation , but showed no inclination to expand on the fact .
22 I have no space to dilate on the rascality of these and other forgers through the centuries — or on the extreme gullibility of some purchasers .
23 They submitted that the commissioner had no jurisdiction to adjudicate on the status of the road verges generally or otherwise than for the limited purpose of deciding what entries should be contained in the register .
24 The hon. Gentleman knows that I am in no position to comment on the decision of any judge .
25 She had no time to dwell on the unhappiness of two people of whom she had grown fond , however , for just then her phone rang again .
26 She had no time to dwell on the matter , however , because , ever a man with no time for prevarication , he replied , ‘ Not trying to trip you up at all , ’ then grated bluntly , ‘ More trying to discover just how many ‘ close ’ men friends you do have . ’
27 But there was no time to enlarge on the idea .
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