Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 However , no contract can nullify a power imbalance between the parties and any hint of coercion in participation in the course greatly reduces the effectiveness of the contract .
2 No auditor can conduct an audit which is both effective and efficient unless he/she has a good working relationship with the client company 's directors , but it is crucial that the auditor remembers that it is not the directors who are the client , but the company itself .
3 In others , no response would affect the arrival of the shock .
4 Urban alienation is seen as a risk to the State and some projects succeed because they are sold on this fear that no response could endanger the State 's stability .
5 In short , a de-clawed cat is a crippled , mutilated cat and no excuse can justify the operation .
6 Who has no milk can make no cheese —
7 We must accept that study has proved that the Bible is not historically true in all its parts ; we must declare that no Christian need suppose the book of Genesis to be an accurate physical account of the making of the world , nor mind if study proves contradictions in the different accounts in the gospels .
8 Those , mainly Conservative councils , that were spending below the standard spending levels were tempted to spend more and gain more grant ; those that were spending so much that government was giving them no grant could suffer no more penalties ; and all kinds of ingenious methods were used to avoid the penalties through creative accounting .
9 But he can not be a chief of staff ; no president can run the risk of seeming to hand the reins of government over to his Number Two .
10 Dr Reid said it was disgusting that ministers had refused to give an assurance that no soldier would receive a redundancy notice while on active service in Bosnia or Northern Ireland .
11 On that severe view no Socialist could support the promotion of producers ' or workers ' , or industrial co-operatives , call them what you will , if they are described as organisations for the manufacture of goods or for the provision of services , and wholly or very largely owned by and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
12 Under it , no journalist should use the expression ‘ terrorist ’ — the correct term is militant , freedom fighter or mujaheddin ; no journalist should say that the Panthic Committee , a confederation of terrorist outfits , is based in Pakistan .
13 No statute can confer the power of parliamentary sovereignty , for that would be to confer the very power being acted upon .
14 And no Department will prepare a brief for its Minister on anything outside the departmental purview .
15 As found in our experiments , inhibition of NO synthesis may enhance the contraction of the smooth muscle of the gall bladder and the tonic response to CCK-8 can be prolonged , favouring the delivery of bile .
16 No child would become a secure and balanced adult with a known murderer for father .
17 Finally , no editor has a limitless source of funding , no editor can ignore the readers and their needs and wants , and no editor can safely depart from established news practices .
18 Thus a gel which appears to contain no product may reveal the presence of 10 fg of mycobacterial DNA , equivalent to less than 2 genomes .
19 It was said in McShane ( 1977 ) 66 Cr App R 97 ( CA ) that no consent can render a dangerous act innocent , but that statement is too broad .
20 If you think someone with no body can feel no pain , then think again .
21 No microscope can produce an absolutely sharp point image .
22 No one , no leader , and no group can order the labour of another , or demand the products of it ( Overing Kaplan 1983/4 ) .
23 No team can lose the likes of Rowland Phillips and Mark Jones to rugby league — along with a class centre like Scott Gibbs to the competition — without feeling the pinch , but they 'll come again .
24 Textiles were in full decline ; the old metal trades had vanished to the point where no artisan could explain the traditional techniques .
25 But in those cases where a person in possession of goods to which he has no title may confer a good title on someone else by selling , pledging , or otherwise disposing of the goods , then , since the true owner is deprived of his title to the goods , such a disposition constitutes conversion whether or not the goods are actually delivered .
26 No court may require a person to disclose , nor is any person guilty of contempt of court for refusing to disclose , the source of information contained in a publication for which he is responsible , unless it be established to the satisfaction of the court that disclosure is necessary in the interests of justice or national security or for the prevention of disorder or crime .
27 And , if they maintain their attitude expressed freely to the Official Solicitor 's representative and to their mother , it would be all to no purpose , since no court would make a residence order in favour of the foster mother against the wishes of the children concerned who are of an age to know their own minds .
28 No court will make an order , especially one likely to cause delay , unless it is clear that some useful purpose will be served .
29 First , in many cases the doctrine will , on a common sense view , be irrelevant and no court will permit a defendant to raise it .
30 We have only to administer the law as we find it , and no court could pronounce a judgment as to the validity of an act of Parliament .
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