Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The Ministry of Agriculture collaborated on the dog study and circulars have gone out urging villages to fence in their garbage dumps to deprive the animals of at least that source of food , but there is no wave of popular enthusiasm for slaughtering dogs wholesale .
2 What does the patients charter offer to the woman in Wandsworth who last month found that she could not have her second child in the hospital that she chose for her first child because her health authority has no contract with that hospital ?
3 There had been no change of basic thinking , then , merely an adjustment of emphasis .
4 Unfortunately , officers are in a position of sometimes telling a prisoner at the end of a week , that you ca n't have a bath or a shower and there is no change of clean underwear .
5 Areas where almost no change from current air quality will be allowed .
6 No change in intestinal permeation ratios with age has been shown using oral double sugar absorption tests .
7 In three other studies using 5 1 Cr-EDTA , no change in intestinal permeability could be shown in patients with ulcerative colitis when compared with controls .
8 We have show , however , that there is no change in parietal cell sensitivity to gastrin after eradication of H pylori in duodenal ulcer patients .
9 The change in SSP causes no change in standard enthalpy changes and the entropy values of solids and liquids .
10 Figure 2 shows that after eradication of H pylori there was a reduction of basal acid output in eight patients and no change in one patient .
11 Now is there is no latent heat and no change in specific volume at the transition , then and we have a second-order transition .
12 High ( or low ) values for v t imply , through equation ( 3.7 ) , high ( or low ) values for actual income , but no change in expected income and therefore , from equation ( 3.6 ) , no change in consumption expenditure .
13 Only one social worker among 25 respondents said there had been no change in any dimension .
14 Cholera toxin caused no change in potential difference in any of the groups .
15 Similarly in man , in patients with bronchial carcinoma there was a decrease in skeletal muscle protein synthesis but no change in whole body protein synthesis , when compared with control patients without malignant disease .
16 This displeased not only Edward of England but also Robert the Bruce , who could offer no support to any faction standing between him and the crown .
17 It is important to emphasize that ‘ creative accounting ’ does not properly refer to ‘ illegal accounting ’ : there is or was no support for illegal accounting .
18 Reports from the constituencies in May showed 259 local parties against the Bill and only thirty-two in favour ; eighty-three suggested no change in wartime ; twice as many local parties supported votes for women as opposed the idea , by ninety-eight to forty-four , and there was little or no support for proportional representation .
19 These boats had to cover the whole of the lagoon and there could obviously be no support from neighbouring fire services on the mainland which had wheels .
20 Mr Alan Howarth , who joined the DES only in the July reshuffle and has little experience of and no responsibility for higher education , will be Mr Jackson 's back-up .
21 Each sector was made responsible for its net revenue results ; previously , there had been no responsibility for overall profit and loss below the level of the chief executive .
22 A Scottish Labour Member could find himself isolated on the Committee and virtually speaking to the walls of the Committee Room , because he will get no reasonable or logical answers from Ministers who have no responsibility for Scottish education and will be unable to deal with the criticisms and questions which that Labour Member may raise .
23 For until very recently the police made no concession to black street culture , but instead rigidly interpreted and ruthlessly enforced statutory norms of public order , first through the notorious ‘ Sus ’ law ( abolished after a long campaign by black and civil liberties groups ) and then through routine powers of search and arrest .
24 Secondly , no component in this programme should be seen in isolation .
25 He quickly learned that he was to be used in Scandinavia , because of his languages , but at present — with no expertise of any sort in clandestine communication — he had to train .
26 And it is no defence of restrictive trade to argue , in effect , that it taxes the Top-40 masses to satisfy the cravings of a few sophisticates .
27 One " purple passage " could consign a novel to condemnation , and there was no defence of literary merit .
28 There 's no defence against that kind of welcome — and Ray , 29 , was completely thrown .
29 In 1932 Stanley Baldwin had revealed that , in the opinion of the experts , there was no defence against aerial bombardment .
30 1.3. b ( v ) Institutions that listed their numbers of school- based inset days ranged from one College and two Polytechnics doing 40+ to 11 institutions doing no school-based work , and 12 who made no response to this question .
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