Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [verb] it [adj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 I know that he will lose no opportunity to make it clear to employers and workers in that industry how devastating the prospects for their jobs would be if the Labour party 's proposals were put into effect .
2 She had no need to give it further emphasis , it could not have been clearer .
3 There was no need to reiterate it all this morning , and it might be unwise to force Gesner into losing any further face .
4 Mains gas is supplied to around 85% of British homes : it 's available ‘ on tap ’ ( there 's no need to store it ready for use ) ; it 's clean ; it 's easy to control ; and the equipment that uses it needs very little maintenance .
5 No man finds it easy to sleep the night before a battle , Charlie had been told , and many used the time to write long letters to their loved ones at home ; some even had the courage to make a will .
6 Having transferred the wealth of India , Pakistan and Bangladesh to the ‘ mother country ’ Britain had left these countries at independence with a large labour force and no capital to make it productive .
7 It was crowded despite its size for Mrs Barling had made no effort to keep it private and there were TV crews on the driveway outside .
8 There 's no reason to disguise it any more , now that glasnost is upon us .
9 on the value of intelligence tests or of the reliability of certain statistical devices used in these examinations , there is no reason why he should not give his views , bur he will no doubt make it clear how far the views are personal to himself .
10 Most ‘ organisers ’ swan in at eight-thirty looking important , only to discover there 's a big hitch and they have no time to put it right .
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