Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 But it was n't easy to lose puppy fat when Mum fed her on stodgy good home cooking — stews with dumplings and meat pies with pastry crusts and steamed sponge puddings , and there was no money to spare for proper hairdressing salons .
2 From boyhood James had wanted to become a physician , but even if he had been taken seriously there would have been no money to cater for such an extravagant ambition .
3 No provision exists for such powers of attorney in English law .
4 It turned out the Australian 's baggage with much expensive equipment had never arrived in Quito , not even made it to the continent ( or so he 'd been told ) , and I sensed he had no sympathy left for any other 's misfortune .
5 ‘ Although we have no mandate to talk for Scottish fishermen we are quite convinced that they too would want to continue exporting large amounts of herring to your country . ’
6 [ … ] Competition , to the equilibrium price theorist , turned out to refer to a state of affairs into which so many competing participants have already entered that no room remains for additional entry ( or other modification of existing market conditions ) .
7 The most unfortunate aspect of this use of the term ‘ competition ’ is of course that , by referring to the situation in which no room remains for further steps in the competitive market process , the word has come to be understood as the very opposite of the kind of activity of which that process consists .
8 It 's very interesting to note that in contemporary political philosophy there is almost no room left for democratic decision making because in most theories that we 're given , more or less everything is already decided at a constitutional level I mean think of theory of justice , it 's the theory of justice that decides the basic nature of a constitution so the role of members of a government is simply to interpret and apply the constitution so they can make the most efficient tax policies given the basic constitution , but no individual has the authority to challenge that constitution and change it by democratic means .
9 Although the French newspapers said the accord could be signed next Tuesday , the SGS-Thomson spokeswoman told Reuter that the company had no announcement planned for this week .
10 There was no fee involved for either of these speakers as they were each on the Establishment of the host Borough .
11 Except that in my case there was no need to wait for seven years .
12 There are many issues where a N C V O should be exercising leadership , sometimes a rather difficult concept , and there is no need to apologise for that , for using leadership at the right time , but it has to be a leadership by consent , rather than claimed without authority , and it is in this context that the policy development department in N C V O exists , to help channel voluntary sector concerns to opinion formers , and policy makers , regardless of party politics , regardless of political commitment .
13 The conventionalist judge we just imagined , who worries whether deciding against Mrs. McLoughlin would be efficient in virtue of the precedents that mothers may recover for emotional injury sustained at the scene , has no need to look for any larger underlying principle " embedded " in these precedents or to defend one controversial view about the content of these principles .
14 Eventually there will be no variation left for natural selection to work upon .
15 No industrialist argues for direct intervention and subsidies by government , along the lines of Labour 's ill-starred Industrial Reorganisation Corporation of the 1960s , but plenty advocate hidden subsidies , in the form of a preferential tax regime , extra incentives for investment or more public funding for research and development .
16 Initial haemostasis was defined as no haemorrhage persisting for five minutes after injection .
17 When the decisions of all market participants dovetail completely , so that each plan correctly assumes the corresponding plans of the other participants and no possibility exists for any altered plans that would be simultaneously preferred by the relevant participants , there is nothing left for the entrepreneur to do .
18 The controversies and speculations will no doubt continue for many years to come and only the briefest notes will be given here to suggest some of the possibilities , without prejudice but also with realism .
19 Small groups of cormorants with all-white underparts flew past the boat , no doubt heading for some offshore fishing spot .
20 The sleeve of this precious little ditty depicted an impassioned Morrissey ( is there any other kind ? ) gazing upwards into an apparently divine light , no doubt praying for greater record sales .
21 We see no way to account for this behaviour on the basis of either associative or trial-and-error learning .
22 The Trent Bridge slaughter in no way compensated for that World Cup final defeat — or being outclassed 2-1 in the summer 's Cornhill Test series .
23 ‘ £50 to allow staff to attend day courses … no allowance made for internal training programmes which are arranged as required ’ .
24 Amongst the panda community there are many social hierarchies , subsequently when captive breeding takes place there can be no allowance made for this .
25 ‘ They had a range that was selling , but with no one actually involved in planning it ; it was just a question of whatever anyone thought was pretty going in with no production schedules , no set ranges for satisfactory colour matching . ’
26 Blanche had no energy left for bad news .
27 This is no time to desert for some illusory future .
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