Example sentences of "your [noun] at the end " in BNC.

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1 Finally comes settlement , but do n't count on this to pay your accounts at the end of the month .
2 Please discuss the conclusions of your review at the end of our discussion of the draft committee reports next Wednesday morning ( 25th ) .
3 At this stage , while setting your goals for the whole dieting period , use another graph to plot out your weight at the end of each month .
4 Finally , do remember that the giving of all relevant notices at the proper times to enable site inspections to be carried out will be important if you want a Completion Certificate from your council at the end .
5 If you are careful and place all your subroutines at the end of the main program , you can display the main structure of the program without cluttering up the trace with the subroutines .
6 ‘ You 'll get your posting at the end of eight months .
7 At all centres we complete your logbooks at the end of the holiday , and most beginners are happily sailing on their own by the second week .
8 If you are interested perhaps you would give me your name at the end of mass .
9 The approach to such provision is not yet uniform , however , and so entry requirements and any formal assessment of your competence at the end of the course may differ according to local recommendations and practices .
10 1 Why did all the children laugh at Julie on the first day she went to her new school ? 2 How do you think Julie felt that day ? 3 Did you feel sorry for her then ? 4 Did you feel sorry for her later in the story ? 5 When Julie was left tied to the lamp post was it fair , unfair , cruel … or what ? 6 Whose fault was it that Julie and Bee stopped seeing each other ? 7 Why did Julie get hurts and what effect did it have on Bee ? 8 What were your feelings at the end ?
11 that if we pass on some of your comments at the end of the section , maybe they 'll be able to arrange , maybe in two or three months time a visit that most of us can make , particularly those of you who missed it , because it is an important experience , but obviously quite difficult to arrange , because it involves real tenants and real people but we can pass that back , and I 'm sure the officers will consider it .
12 Just you remember when you get your Access at the end of the month then .
13 A comfortable sleeping bag provides the means to re-charge your batteries at the end of a long day so it 's important to ensure you have the right one for the job .
14 when people are sitting there and thinking oh yes I 'll have a storage heater , you keep lovely and warm you get your bill at the end , a few hundred pound er
15 the only thing but I mean you know you accepted what he said and then went on and , and by using your picture with the , with the cheque I mean you had him eating out your hand at the end did n't you ?
16 I 'll stop it from your wages at the end of the month . ’
17 Invigorate your hands at the end of a massage by rubbing them together until vibrant , then relax them .
18 And , because interest is paid free of basic rate income tax every pound in your account at the end of 5 years will be yours .
19 Interest on your money is calculated daily and is added to your account at the end of March , June , September and December .
20 Leave a page next to this one in your diary where you will be able to record the contents of your cupboard at the end of your diet when all your goals have been reached .
21 You should discuss the implications of your answers with your partner at the end of the exercise .
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