Example sentences of "other [noun] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Right , and the other story goes The angels go to Be
2 The council had plans for economic development but could not reveal details to stop other authorities taking the ideas , he added .
3 Now there 's been a lot of talk about the need to revive employment in Harrogate , and erm the possible future regeneration of the North Yorkshire economy as compared with the existing concern of Leeds and other authorities to regenerate the West Yorkshire authority .
4 And I can honestly say , along with most people I 'm reluctantly coming round to the concept that the probability is that the county will cease to exist shortly , and there 'll be hopefully not more than two other authorities doing the job we 're currently doing .
5 The Home Office was willingly cooperating with other authorities to ensure the events passed off peacefully and with due respect .
6 Erm , we would n't want the policy to progress so far erm as to get to the stage of looking for a specific site and for us to pull the rug underneath the County , and for other authorities to pull the rug from underneath the County at that stage , erm to answer to Mr Heselton 's specific question , of course we would n't object to a new settlement er in Selby , but erm it does n't erm it does n't detract from our objection to erm the principle of the policy , the way the policy 's expressed .
7 Still other rules cause the deletion of elements from the structure : [ 7 ] The house was empty and the house was neglected The house was empty and neglected .
8 However , before considering what procedures may be adopted in such circumstances it is necessary to outline the other rules governing the incorporation of terms .
9 M&S insists that it will not be cutting quality or raising prices on other products to counter the discounts .
10 Other products include the Powerfusion system for integrating personal computers running MS-DOS or Windows with Unix hosts , Powerfusion for Workgroups ( which enables IBM Corp 's RS/6000s to be integrated into a workgroup ) , the PowerSave high speed tape back-up facility for Banyan Systems Inc , Novell Inc and PowerLan networks , and PowerBridge for linking two or more PowerLan networks together .
11 The hunt for other reasons to explain the behaviour of a Ceauşescu misses the point : he was not ‘ really ’ a patriot or ‘ at heart ’ a reformer , though when he proclaimed that he was at any given moment one thing , he was that but at the same time was the opposite .
12 Other national newspapers , the Independent and the forthcoming Sunday Correspondent , also make significant use of desktop publishing capability for producing their magazine sections and these and many other titles use the technology for creating graphics and illustrative material .
13 The user should take careful note of the DC identifier as it will be required in other operations involving the package .
14 Other researchers use the designation Judaeo-Christian , which is in fact confusing , misleading and self-contradictory .
15 The main products of the research will comprise new models of the interactions between lags and expectations , empirical studies of the success of such models relative to already established results , new econometrics tools for evaluating models , and working computer programmes with their documentation to enable other researchers to test the findings and try out related methods .
16 Wijeratne 's other enemies included the Janata Vimukti Peramuna ( JVP ) , the Sinhalese group whose southern-based insurgency he had effectively destroyed in a ferocious campaign in late 1989 [ see pp. 37042 and 37353 ] , and the gambling industry , a casino operator having been deported in February .
17 The other part handles the manufacture and marketing of a very large range of ‘ effect chemicals ’ whose uses are legion : there is scarcely an industry that does not need them as intermediates to a greater or lesser extent .
18 You would be better off with part of the tank being filtered by undergravel and the other part having a sand base .
19 He was able to feed his ideas through her as other artists use a brush or a pencil . ’
20 Other artists offer a variety of interpretations .
21 In the first place , individual shareholders face a free-rider problem : provided other shareholders monitor the management , everything will be fine .
22 Sometimes they even launched expeditions to other continents to aid the Dwarfs and humans .
23 To stress the sense of transience , Helen Chadwick assembles around the moor motifs of these allegorical couples the emblems of further mortification : from the hand of the ecstatic figure whirling with the goose fall maggots from the goose 's lights ; the double-headed figure of Harvest faces one way to ripeness and bounty , the other towards decomposition ; the frivolous ribbons , lacy frills , frothy trailing trimmings and net tights , the schoolgirl socks and other ornaments echo the fripperies of Vanitas paintings .
24 The families we who 've used our arts centres in other parts of the country have been influenced erm not just by the quality of art work on display , but also by the fact they can get decent beer and erm good , cheap food erm and the children and the other parts of the family have got plenty of other activities to take an interest in and I think it would need the university to think seriously about developing the social side of the Gardener Centre in those terms , and that 's why it was deeply disappointing to find the university pulling back on their subsidy for the Gardener Centre as that really ca n't help anybody find the most appropriate role for the building .
25 Other activities to complete the issue of the package would still , of course , remain , but these are not part of the DC cycle .
26 Naturally most are related to teaching and learning , the major business of the school ; the other activities reinforce the messages of respecting and caring for others .
27 Work with other institutions to implement the Government , proposals for Approved Building Inspectors .
28 In such circumstances the procedure might be able to decide the equivalence of a given pair of programs , and would in all other cases reduce the question of their equivalence to a boolean expression .
29 Designed for use off-road , their increasing numbers have brought them into conflict with ramblers and other groups using the countryside .
30 The company is working with the MLC and other groups to produce a programme which will provide an improved selection index taking account of the inbreeding factor .
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