Example sentences of "did not [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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31 This factor of material prosperity , which was already cited by Sombart ( 1906 ) at the beginning of this century as a partial explanation of the absence of any large-scale socialist movement in the US , acquired particularly great importance in the period following the Second World War , when economic growth took place more rapidly than ever before , and the question could be posed as to whether the US did not simply show to capitalist Europe the image of its own future — a future that would be characterized by a decline of the socialist movement , and indeed of all ideological revolutionary parties and movements .
32 Vidor was to confess that he had started ‘ with the definite idea ’ that he wanted ‘ to make a film that did not simply come to town to play three days or a week and then was forgotten ’ and it was always his conviction that the proper subjects for such a film would be the beauty of rural America and the fundamental decency of ordinary Americans .
33 Fathers took pleasure and pride in their sons ' successes , but did not publicly defer to them on that account .
34 They did not really want to be mutineers , but they were afraid of Tom Smith .
35 William Lee of the Nottinghamshire parish of Calverton had invented the basic frame in 1589 but the craft first took hold in London and did not really spread to the Midlands until after the restoration of Charles II .
36 If Labour could not win at a time of economic gloom , bolstered by the most effective campaign it has ever fought , and facing a Government whose campaign did not really come to life until the last 10 days — then when could it ?
37 AS has been pointed out in your magazine , the ITV coverage of the World Cup was very good , although promises that the BBC would be totally outshone did not really come to much .
38 France 's increased commitment to space , which dates from the late 1950s , did not really come to fruition until the late 1970s .
39 But more important , she realized that the gesture was available to all and thus did not really belong to her : when she waved her arm , she was actually committing theft or forgery .
40 Nizan was unsuccessful in his attempts to allay the suspicion that he did not really belong to the French communist party .
41 They went out from us but they did not really belong to us , for if they had belonged to us they would have remained with us but their going showed that none of them belong to us .
42 But the exigencies of operatic life did not really appeal to one of his perfectionist standards .
43 She received lunch or dinner free from the restaurant , but the food did not really appeal to her .
44 Although the unanimity of rural enthusiasm for army policies is open to question , it is clear that the rural community did not really turn to the left in its search for a solution to its problems .
45 Ahidjo did not subsequently return to Cameroun , and in the presidential election of January 1984 Biya received a ‘ yes ’ vote of over 90 per cent , which most Camerounians considered to be a genuine indication of his underlying support .
46 I did not therefore expect to be invited here and was resigned to being by myself yet again and sure my spirits would once more be lowered .
47 Voting did not therefore need to be repeated in two polling areas , as the Constitutional Court had ordered in the event that the necessary documentation could not be obtained by the Murcia court .
48 He says that it is recorded in the that on the death of Molla Fenari , Molla Yegan was authorized to give fetvas in the time of Murad II ; but that since he did not actually rise to the office of Mufti — the actual words used are " the rank of the glorious office of fetva " , fetva being used here , a — often , to indicate the Muftilik-he will not be singled out and accorded special mention .
49 Yet this piece has much that is freshly inventive and original , even if these were epithets that , alas , did not readily spring to mind with regard to the performance it received .
50 Existing members New members Governing coalition Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) 185 63 Christian Social Union ( CSU ) 49 German Social Union ( DSU ) — 8 Free Democratic Party ( FDP ) 48 9 Opposition Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) 193 33 Greens/Alliance 90 42 7 Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) — 24 Other* 2 0 * Former Green members who did not now belong to any group .
51 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that , although the definition of ‘ family proceedings ’ in section 8 of the Children Act 1989 did not specifically refer to the provisions in Part III of the Act , the section was to be read with section 92(2) of the Act which made it clear that all applications to the justices under the Act were family proceedings ; that , accordingly , the application to the justices for a secure accommodation order under section 25 in Part III of the Act were family proceedings ; and that , therefore , the statements of evidence and the psychiatrist 's report should have been admitted in evidence in accordance with the provisions of the Children ( Admissibility of Hearsay Evidence ) Order 1991 ( post , pp. 91E–G , H — 92A ) .
52 According to Economic Secretary to the Treasury Stephen Dorrell , inside information would be widely defined to include anything which affects a company 's share price , even if the information did not specifically relate to that company .
53 I once bought a mill house from a family in Cumbria , and during my survey found that a part of the land they were selling did not legally belong to them since it was not on the original conveyance from the lord of the manor .
54 Partially defective wrap , however , did not inevitably lead to abnormal reflux in our patients .
55 It is characteristic of the Government that although the Minister spoke for one quarter of an hour , he did not once refer to new clause 2 or defend the Government 's record .
56 Lord Osborne said he was satisfied on the evidence that when Ms Sultana went through the formalities of the civil marriage ceremony she did not truly consent to be married to Mr Ahmed .
57 Althusser argues that Marx 's intervention did not merely amount to the historicization of the formal categories of the classical economists .
58 Anyway , since the English language , not unlike its speakers , and the climate in which it was reared , did not necessarily adhere to the principles of predictability , even had the thought of the good Earl occurred to me , I may st ill not have surmised that it gave proof positive one way or the other re the acceptable pronunciation of the Square 's Christian name .
59 The details of it all were a little mundane to him and he did not necessarily want to be implicated in them .
60 Saturday 's name change was the sixth this century , and the previous alterations did not necessarily lead to a radical renewal .
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