Example sentences of "more often [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Marslen-Wilson ( 1975 ) found that fluent restorations occurred far more often during the shadowing of normal prose than when the mispronounced word was semantically or syntactically incongruent with respect to the sentence containing it .
2 Advertisements may be found at either end of a book , but occur much more often at the back .
3 Occasionally too he saw crows flocking and feeding at a particular part of a sheep pasture — sometimes at a dead sheep but more often at the placenta left behind where a lamb had been born .
4 They must then be taught to choose to produce wanted behaviour more often through the use of rewards and punishments .
5 That this is not the only dimension along which one can or must discriminate became fully apparent to juries when confronted with the ‘ video nasties ’ of the 1980s , where the verdicts surprised some observers by turning more often on the morality or immorality of the conduct portrayed and the moral stance taken towards it by the film-maker than on the affront caused to the viewer .
6 The first lesson is one in humility , getting you used to the ball being more often on the ground than in the air .
7 Among the reasons for this is the subtle change in relationship which occurs , enabling the teacher to be seen more often alongside the pupil , a person of humour and unexpected worldly interests , taking part in the everyday activities of life , sharing the triumphs and disasters of such occasions and bonded by unexpected confidences .
8 Other voluntary bodies , in youth services or adult education , can also be relied upon as partners but more often in the secondary and FE sectors than in primary schools .
9 After the thirteenth century larger schemes were built of stone but , more often in the north , in brick .
10 Neither aprisiones nor hospitia are documented before the Carolingian period , and they occur more often in the reign of Charles the Bald than previously .
11 The ward sister had actually drawn her aside and asked her whether she did not think it would be a good idea to let her husband see his children more often in the future .
12 Where care is provided , it is far more often in the form of advice than of assistance with physical care .
13 This led to a general disillusionment with house-planning which today means that the Council planning policy is honoured more often in the breach than in anything else .
14 Minor symptoms accompanying seroconversion , such as fever , tiredness , pain accompanying swallowing , headaches , and nightsweats , were not reported significantly more often by the drug users who seroconverted compared to controls for HIV .
15 And although the flow of mutual aid was markedly more often from the grandparent so long as the two generations were living separately , there were several cases in which visiting was explicitly intended to enable the grandchild to convey help .
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