Example sentences of "more [adj] with every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is an activity which becomes more straightforward with every mile that takes me further away " , he noted on 4 December .
2 With the scum playing at high flying Newcastle , a win could possibly move us to within single digit points range of the scum whose fans incidently are becoming more insufferable with every day that passes .
3 I shivered in terror as I saw her face which was becoming more and more dragon-like with every minute .
4 Ahead , the mountains rise more superb with every mile .
5 Because all of DEC 's business is computer-related , it remains slightly bigger than Hewlett-Packard in computers — Hewlett has its medical electronics and instruments businesses as well , but computers are becoming more and more dominant with every year .
6 He took a deep breath and looked fixedly at Maggie whose grey eyes were getting bigger and more icy with every word he said .
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