Example sentences of "more [adj] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although she was asleep , I whispered , I forgive you , and made a mental note to be more professional in the future .
2 The differences between wild-type and truncated polymerases are more striking in the presence of the cAMP-CRP at the lac UV5 promoter .
3 This may be technically insider-dealing , which is far more rife in the City than people have generally been led to believe .
4 Although it decays into the short-lived iodine-132 , it is more mobile in the environment and the timing of its passage through the cow or human gut could be critical .
5 It 's meant to make them more mobile in the mud and it 's a far cry from the rigours of the scrum .
6 For he considered that had the defendants been more subtle in the presentation of their defence , they might have been acquitted .
7 You talked a lot about computers being more friendly in the future than in the past .
8 Certainly to respond to the gentleman who was suggesting that there 's no difference between us as adults and children , certainly there is the child in all adults erm that does respond , perhaps , in a childish way at times , but I would suggest that as adults we hopefully have gotten to a place in ourselves which we are not so much at the mercy of our immediate wishes and wants and feelings that we are able to be more measured in the way that we handle ourselves and our feelings , and therefore in a position to help our children to develop that capacity within themselves as they are growing up erm and erm I 've forgotten the other point I was going to make just following on from what Elizabeth there in the studio was saying .
9 Our early ancestors lived in a world fraught with danger ; yet they were far more advanced in the art of survival than many of us in the modern world could ever envisage .
10 And the smells , the beginning of the smells of the south , more immediately apprehensible , more durable in the memory , at least when re-evoked .
11 Cooling seems to be more pronounced and more extensive in the west than the east ; for example , since 1981 ( Fig. 3 a ) there has been a decrease of more than -1°C in the upper layers to the west , compared with warming in the intermediate water to the east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge .
12 The ties of dependence that originated during the period of slavery became even more extensive in the period of the formal colonization of Africa , and after dependence too , creating economies substantially dependent on a limited range of cash crops and raw materials required by the metropolitan economies which retained control over major sectors of production , pricing and the flow of profits ( Brett , 1973 ; Leys , 1975 ; Howard , 1978 ; Rodney , 1972 ; Davidson , 1974 ) .
13 Atherosclerosis appears to proceed at a more rapid rate and is more extensive in the diabetic ( Crall & Roberts , 1978 ) , but the process does not differ in its morphological appearance nor in its anatomical distribution compared to the non-diabetic ( Strandness et al , 1964 ; Robertson & Strong , 1968 ) .
14 The difficulty presented here is more acute in the context of governmental agencies who have responsibility both for adjudication and prosecution , a combination more normal in the United States than in this country .
15 If the action project were succeeding in sustaining at home people who without its services would have been in an institution at an earlier date , then we would expect the action sample clients still at home at six months and 12 months to be more disadvantaged in the possession of factors likely to affect home care potential .
16 Nippon , Ville de Paris and Il Moro di Venezia have all been more innovative in the shaping and cutting of their sails , which explains why Farr is getting more involved in the New Zealand sail programme himself .
17 In what ways do you think that daily life was more pleasant in the time before this migration to the towns than it was afterwards ?
18 The historical evidence does not really support the view that kin groups were much more stable in the past than in the present .
19 But for many participants what is needed is something more definite in the way of a scheme of work of some kind which will direct and maintain the momentum of the course into a continuing programme of monitored activities in the classroom .
20 Perhaps the High-Heels were more popular in the past , but as you can see , our present King and all his officials wear the lowest heels .
21 It is by no means clear that the Church and Queen position of 1710 – 14 was any more popular in the nation at large than had been the Church and King position of either 1660 – 2 or 1681 – 5 .
22 If you are suffering pangs of remorse because of some unintentional action in the past , do n't you think it might be time to tell yourself that you will be more careful in the future — and let the guilt go ?
23 Economically , Europe had conceded more than she knew ; she was already dependent on products from certain areas and would become more dependent in the age of the internal combustion engine .
24 Moreover , mystical movements are no more prevalent in the West than they have ever been from the Dionysian rites to the temple of Aimee McPherson .
25 Smoking — and therefore the disease and death it causes — is much more prevalent in the CDE social classes than in the AB group .
26 Even today trade unionism in agriculture is more prevalent in the South and East , whereas tenants ' associations , almost unknown in the arable areas , are more common in the North and West .
27 Grade 3 ( heavy ) neutrophilic and plasma cell infiltration , however , was more prevalent in the absence of NSAIDs .
28 It sound far more proper in the West Mainland then .
29 The room was like the train compartment again , their two matching beds , windows on two sides , blinds and curtains , pictures on the walls , a mirror and a place to hang clothes , but everything bigger , and they were n't travelling , and there was more light in the room .
30 Frederick Barbarossa 's exploits are all the more interesting in the context of the type of society into which he was born .
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