Example sentences of "more [adj] than an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Private letters are like a conversation overheard , often more revealing than an autobiography , or than a diary which may have been written with more than half an intention of allowing it to be published .
2 We have already mentioned two factors that make the entire structure more progressive than an examination of income tax alone would suggest .
3 That finding leads us to a shocking conclusion : a gesture is more individual than an individual .
4 Endowment policies are not always appropriately matched to the client and sometimes a low-cost endowment would suffice instead of a full endowment policy , or a term insurance policy would be more appropriate than an endowment .
5 Some people tend to overuse it and/or use it for concepts too complicated for this medium i.e. where a proper report or formal memo or even a meeting would be more appropriate than an e-mail message .
6 The will and ability to stand is one of the most basic manifestations of the life-force , almost more basic than an interest in food and water .
7 Others were that ‘ need ’ as opposed to ‘ reasonable requirement ’ did not have to be shown , that the case for making an order against an officer of the company was stronger than it would be against a third party , that an order for oral examination ( as in Cloverbay itself ) was likely to be more oppressive than an order for the production of documents .
8 In a work of art this is a powerful coup because it compels us to think about why we know this woman must be black , and as an act of protest it is far richer and more powerful than an instruction in how to feel .
9 Classroom interaction is even more complex than an interview because of the size of the group and the choices the teacher constantly makes about how to respond to what learners say .
10 So what we must consider is that whether a team performance is more important than an individual 's performance do n't forget that it is easy ( relatively ) to mark him out of a game compared to marking 11 men out off game .
11 So a budgeting shortfall today was regarded as more important than an energy shortfall tomorrow .
12 In addition , all that is required is a chemical room-temperature mechanism which involves nothing more complicated than an experiment in a high school science lab .
13 The government , even in a minority , is more united than an opposition made up of one majority party and a number of minor parties which do not always act in concert .
14 First of all they were becoming involved , also de facto , in the process of French decolonization which , like any successful retreat , was more difficult than an advance .
15 If Casaubon had in mind something more precise than an alternative to the disguised Machiavellianism of the contemporary Tacitists , he did not make it clear .
16 The measured ruthlessness of his tone was far more unnerving than an outburst of straightforward anger .
17 It 's a lot more certain than an interview .
18 One of the images showed the trail of a particle more massive than an electron which suddenly turned through a sharp angle making an L-shape , and whose thickness and character changed at the kink .
19 If you look at the particles inside the nucleus you have a proton , which is a positively charged particle , and it 's about two thousand times more massive than an electron , and you have also have another type of particle in there called a neutron , and a neutron is to all practical intents and purposes it 's just like a proton except that it has no charge , and so the whole mass of the atom is actually concentrated inside the nucleus .
20 Reconstructing the participants ' definition of the situation would allow the analyst to explain their reasons for action , and this would be far more realistic than an assumption that the actors acted rationally .
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