Example sentences of "more [adj] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For some children , this clinginess is just a phase , which will disappear when she gets more used to the rough and tumble of the other children .
2 If he is to build on that , he must seek means of reconciling still more Scots to the Conservative Party .
3 Black people have thus carved a social and political path more conducive to the psychological well-being of their children , who do not now misidentify their ethnic origins .
4 Developed and developing countries could both benefit from this discovery , though developing countries such as Bangladesh are likely to benefit more due to the higher incidence of diarrhoeal diseases .
5 However in the post-colonial era , the dominance of English has been more due to the commercial power of the United States .
6 No one was more alive to the vital necessity of keeping open lines of communication than the Railway Companies and the LMSR readily accepted a suggestion from the Ministry of Supply to assist in the production of railway bridges and trestles for use of the fighting services .
7 The initiative had been launched by citizen groups anxious to break up the relationship which had developed between pressure groups and entrenched state politicians , and to make the California legislature more responsive to the ordinary voters .
8 Reshuffling its North America operations is , ZDS officials say , ‘ part of an effort to make the firm more responsive to the personal computer Unix-based market worldwide … the company had to start at the heart of the problem the bureaucracy in the company . ’
9 Licensed dealers certainly advertise more widely , and seem more responsive to the small client than most stockbrokers .
10 The Community Care Act was implemented as part of a major cultural shift is SSDs which has supposedly made services more responsive to the real needs and wishes of service users .
11 The need for flexibility in plan making was stressed ; something more than land use maps were required and they had to be more responsive to the rapid changes then being experienced in the 1960s in terms of economic and social trends , population forecasts and traffic growth .
12 The Secretary of State claims that the basis of opting out is to make hospitals more responsive to the local community .
13 Many experts in the field , including the Pegasus Foundation ( my own teachers ) based in Malvern , England , believe this active form of meditation is more suited to the western mind .
14 Instead of moving forward into the twenty first century , the Tories are moving backward us backwards with working conditions that would be more suited to the nineteenth century .
15 This kind of mechanically efficient cantilevered design is more suited to the larger dinosaurs and seems to apply to all the heavyweight bipedal species .
16 B : I would make it more interesting to the little lads
17 Cut off from regular feeding-points , subjected to atrocious public transport conditions , and more prone to the cold and disease , up to half of the migrants died in transit on the railways .
18 Further , his total avoidance of arianism is held to have made him more acceptable to the catholic Gallo-Romans , than were the other kings of his generation , and to have helped ensure that the Franks were more successful than either the Burgundians or the Visigoths .
19 Research groups in Europe and the US have been concentrating on altering the genetic structure of certain animals to make their organs more acceptable to the human body .
20 Finally , the Socialists had become more acceptable to the Christian Democrats because they had begun to distance themselves from the Communists after 1956 .
21 Similarly Max Birnstiel ( IMP , Vienna ) described studies in which a newly developed and very efficient technique for gene transfer was used to induce tumour cells to synthesize high levels of interleukin 2 , so as to make them more conspicuous to the immune system .
22 These areas were designated to conserve valued landscapes and to make them more accessible to the general public ( or at least to those who own cars ) .
23 A little careful planning is all that is needed to make the countryside more accessible to the disabled .
24 The terms in which they are described have been adapted to make them more accessible to the Western reader .
25 This short book might have been more accessible to the lay reader and perhaps generally clearer had it included some extra detail or more specific examples .
26 Not only have the basic building blocks of the computer become smaller and cheaper , and hence more readily available to a greater number of people , the language of the computer has become much more accessible to the lay person .
27 So for him the technology holds no fears and he is always looking for ways to make the stock market more accessible to the ordinary man or woman in the street .
28 Since those heady early days of privatisation , the world of high finance has become far more accessible to the ordinary man and woman in the street .
29 the idea of founding a society of engineers which would be more accessible to the younger members of the profession than the rather élitist Society of Civil Engineers founded by John Smeaton [ q.v. ]
30 the making of our electronic systems more accessible to the elected Members and , where appropriate , to the public ; and ,
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