Example sentences of "more [adj] be the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What is even more striking is the variation within the various subject groups .
2 Even more striking is the provision that if such a tenement is not alienated , but the alms for which it was originally given are neglected over a period of two years , then the property shall again be recoverable at law by the donor or his heirs .
3 More striking is the example of Ralph Bigod who , safely transferred to the service of Henry VII and his mother , still refused to criticize his old master .
4 Even more striking is the example provided by Francis Bacon , that most ardent apologist for useful science — but not for a Copernican universe .
5 More striking is the example of Ralph Bigod who , safely transferred to the service of Henry VII and his mother , still refused to criticize his old master .
6 Rennie built the beautiful aqueduct carrying the Lancaster Canal over the Lune ; but even more striking was the Pontcysyllte aqueduct , constructed by Telford between 1795 and 1805 , carrying the Ellesmere Canal over the Dee .
7 Even more striking was the growth in Russia of the Posolskii Prikaz and its successor the College of Foreign Affairs .
8 Even more striking was the upsurge in heavy industry , and for this the State itself was primarily responsible .
9 Although the Second Duma saw a small increase in the number of right-wing deputies , more striking was the decline in the number of Kadet deputies and the advance of the extreme Left , including Social Democrats and SRs who had decided to abandon the electoral boycott they had staged during the elections to the First Duma .
10 The greater the amount of forgiveness , the more grateful is the person forgiven ( Luke 7:47 ) .
11 Perhaps more revealing is the evidence on sources and distribution of research funds which proved to be highly related .
12 More subtle is the way the minor second also becomes symbolic of the Storm , again starting as a purely graphic detail .
13 More absurd was the sight of Johnny Marr in a Sale chip shop buying , wait for it , a steak pie .
14 More controversial is the proposal for 10 achievement levels between the ages of 7 and 16 , with the top four levels bearing a relationship to GCSE grades .
15 What is likely to prove even more controversial is the suggestion that the Government is looking seriously at imposing tolls on particular roads .
16 Far more controversial is the CHA proposal to open up the 1984 Canada Health Act .
17 More controversial is the command of access to resources .
18 More controversial was the decision to introduce the quasi-market : separating the demand for health care from supply and allowing limited competition between providers .
19 More controversial was the manner in which Britain turned the terms of trade in its favour and directly squeezed the incomes of colonial producers by bulk purchasing of colonial products at below world prices .
20 More usual is the reed basket , carefully woven by peasants for carrying all kinds of vegetable produce to market .
21 More complete is the Temple of Vesta in the Forum Boarium ( also known as Mater Matuta and as Portunus ) .
22 More profitable were the port dues collected on every ship to enter the Sound .
23 Even more extensive was the enclosure of the former common heaths and upland moors .
24 What is more insidious is the lack of guidance on the levels of accuracy to be expected or , where aggregate data are supplied ( for example , the sum or average of the values at a number of points over an area ) statements about the variability of these values within the area are exceptional .
25 Perhaps more annoying is the number of student gigs that end with people coming up to me and sharing a few queer-bashing jokes .
26 More pleasant is the re-appearance of Arkady Renko , Senior Investigator from Moscow and hero of Gorky Park , now disgraced and employed below decks on the Polar Star .
27 More interesting is the sub-group of people who not only work full-time and full-year but also exclusively for one organisation .
28 Even more interesting is the addition of electric light plus a small post box in the side … !
29 More interesting is the discovery that while You is the stylistically unmarked form , more matter-of-fact , ‘ not impolite ’ or ‘ not informal ’ , Thou can express both intimacy and anger , or indeed any increase in the emotional tone of a conversation .
30 More interesting is the question whether on stylistic grounds one would postulate one designer or two at Olympia , but that too admits of no easy answer .
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