Example sentences of "more [adj] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 The ICA thought that in view of the cost of an inspection visit it might be more appropriate in the first instance to approach the solicitor concerned for an explanation of the delay .
2 There was , of course , now a great deal more interest in Eliot than in the play , but he had stipulated in advance that he was not to be subjected to any form of publicity : no press conferences , no interviews , no speeches ; as a result , he was much more relaxed at the first night and was even able to laugh at his own jokes .
3 That was a quarrel which went back to at least 720 BC , when the athlete Orsippos of Megara , more famous as the first man to run nude in the Olympic Games , ‘ freed ’ some borderland from the Corinthians ( Hicks and Hill , no. 1 ) .
4 Although it appears that sentencing became more severe during the first three years the guide-lines were in use , Minnesota remains one of the very few states that has avoided huge increases in prison population size ( Parent 1988 ) .
5 This double characterisation was made more hilarious at the first performances when the bossy one was danced by Helpmann , and later the taller MacMillan , with wonderfully extended développés , and the shyer one by Ashton with dainty attempts to be correct at all costs .
6 The disease is rare in Japan but begins to become more common in the first generation born in the United States , and approximates the rate prevailing in the US by the second generation .
7 Bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses are significantly more common in the first year of life in children who have one or two smoking parents [ 12 ] .
8 As a result , I drank more than was sensible in my condition : like a lot of women , I always felt more unwell during the first three months of pregnancy than afterwards , and alcohol went to my head very quickly .
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