Example sentences of "more [adj] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is more practicable to provide higher concentrates in powder form .
2 It is often more economic to use softened water to supply machines rather than combat hardness salts with a sequestrant load detergents .
3 Your employer may consider it more cost-effective to retain junior employees who are paid less than you .
4 Would it not be more cost-effective to use auxiliary jet pilots who have come out of the service under ’ Options for Change ’ than to train women as fast jet pilots , however keen they may be ?
5 It is more usual to see individual carp , or just one or two together .
6 In recent times it is more usual to have some element of discussion , partly because of the increasingly democratic style of organisations and partly because the variety of relevant technology requires a correspondingly wide range of expertise .
7 If the odorous compound is sufficiently concentrated it may be burned directly provided there is an adequate oxygen supply , but it is more usual to require auxiliary oxygen and fuel supplies .
8 Readers have suggested that it might have been more profitable to give more space to fewer sorts of vegetable , but that would have been something of a soft option .
9 No wonder investigators have found it more profitable to examine this problem in animals , where it is much easier to programme experience and ensure that only single events are studied without the influence of others .
10 It is annoying to have to spend extra money on postage for a small order , but even more annoying to experience considerable delay in obtaining the book for our customer .
11 The more innovative included accelerated depreciation on ‘ special machinery ’ , ‘ special repairs ’ ( to heavy plant ) , research and development , exemption from tax on income from sales of ‘ important new products ’ , exemption from customs duty on ‘ important equipment ’ and exemption of certain exports from income tax .
12 In three studies , pancreatitis was induced chamically , and in one by ligature of the pancreatic duct — a model that is probably more analogous to ERCP induced pancreatitis .
13 But by a quirk of technology and accounting practice , business has been more prepared to replace ageing computer equipment than upgrade it .
14 Idomenée ( 1712 ) shows that as time passed Campra was more prepared to feature remoter keys when expressing emotional tension : its chilling dénouement , in which Idomenée becomes aware that he has slain his own son , is in B♭ minor , with modulations to D♭ major , G♭ major and E♭ minor .
15 She has also proved more willing to allocate political honours to party workers than was Mr Heath who had been particularly niggardly in this regard .
16 This makes manufacturers more willing to take lower prices to get established Stateside .
17 However , where attempts are made to build up monopoly by merger there has been a heightened awareness of the inherent dangers , and governments have been more willing to take direct action to prohibit them .
18 The ex-CID officer was more reticent about the perks of the job , more willing to see those offers as the practice in other forces .
19 Although common law jurisdictions are more willing to validate judicial customs that create documents of title than are civil law jurisdictions even in common law validation has been mostly legislative .
20 Some industrial consumers regretted that the Boards ' attitudes to tariffs were much more rigid than that of their predecessors ( who had been more willing to negotiate special rates ) .
21 Dudley also proved more willing to appoint ducal servants to offices in his gift and to employ them in his own administration .
22 Dudley also proved more willing to appoint ducal servants to offices in his gift and to employ them in his own administration .
23 One is that they are more willing to explore new skills ; the other is that Imo herself was young , and macaques interact most with other individuals in their troop of a similar age to themselves .
24 Baker immediately praised Assad 's response as positive , saying that it had demonstrated that Syria was now more willing to enter direct peace talks with Israel than at any time in the past .
25 Russia backed Austria , only to make plain in 1851 that she was no more willing to contemplate Viennese domination of German affairs than she had been to back Prussian .
26 However if the actual price level turned out to be higher in t than was expected at the end of t - 1 , firms would be more willing to produce extra output and y t , would exceed y * ; .
27 If it is the latter , then we are seeing a constant rate of rape over the last decade but where women are more willing to make legal complaints and the police and courts not willing to convict other than a very small increase in the number .
28 In the absence of any military presence in this area in the third century , it would be more sensible to identify this figure with a smith-god .
29 She said : ‘ Everyone appears to agree it is more sensible to keep this traffic on rail but it has taken the efforts of hundreds of people to get a six-month reprieve .
30 No matter what your business commitments , it is far more sensible to have one day at home in bed to recover from the worst of the virus than to struggle in to work , extending the recuperation period enormously and giving the virus to everyone else .
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