Example sentences of "more [adj] than [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Although this assumption is very likely to be wrong it is still a usable forecast in the sense that it may be no more wrong than forecasts of change that get it wrong .
2 They are ultimately more instructive than stories of nonagenarians who scale Everest or even ( enjoyable though they are ) of Lord Denning 's battles with the government from his seat in the House of Lords .
3 Knighton , McColl and Elliott all get a statistical raw deal , he insists , but none is more wronged than bottom of the table Len Ashurst .
4 These are culpable acts , often regarded as being more serious than thefts of property .
5 The Athletic News snorted indignantly : ‘ As a matter of commerce , ten young recruits at £100 a piece might have paid better , and as a matter of sport , the Second Division would be more honourable than retention of places by purchase . ’
6 He was always more conscious than Picasso of the actual surface quality of his work , and moreover more consistently conscious of the need for respecting the demands of the picture plane .
7 Fathers of children with leukaemia or non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma were more likely than fathers of control children to have been employed by the nuclear industry , but the excess was not significant .
8 Though the available data on the contribution record of workers from different socio-economic groups is inadequate in several ways , it can be justifiably claimed that members of the lower socio-economic groups are more likely than members of the higher socio-economic groups to be among the non-qualifiers and , in the years when they existed , to be receiving lower-earnings-related benefits .
9 It is , however , no more paradoxical than speaking of John 's arm , when the arm in question is part of the John who is said to possess it ( or the chassis of the car , for ) .
10 ‘ For me , sumptuousness of fabric is more effective than importance of shape . ’
11 It means that ‘ attributes of the individual which are biological or constitutional are likely to be more powerful than properties of the immediate social environment or other ecological variables ’ ( Henderson , 1982 , p. 228 . )
12 But it is the family 's version which the texts privileges and recounts in full detail , for this view of events is entirely consistent with the cultural assumptions of an isolated rural people and , indeed , is regarded as more credible than wonders of modern technology , such as the cinema .
13 And that too seems related to the solidarities of kinship and to the training in respect which comes with belonging to a lineage : in a sense , both cadres and ordinary Libyans seemed to share the assumption that loyalties of descent and domesticity were more important than differences of opinion .
14 But probably more important than works of social research or political theory in spreading belief in the need for some degree of state action , was both concern about the condition of the economy and the impact of the Boer War of 1899–1902 .
15 Polymorphisms of the genes encoding enzymes involved in the metabolism of collagen , such as the collagenases and their inhibitors , or genes controlling the transcription of collagen may ultimately prove to be more important than polymorphisms of the collagen genes themselves in determining individual susceptibility to the fibrotic effect of alcohol .
16 Representative Lee H. Hamilton of Indiana , who co-chaired the congressional joint investigation of the Iran-contra affair , declared that those hearings , because they affected current US foreign policy , were more important than questions of individual criminal liability .
17 Bowles , however , concluded slightly differently from his review of American data : social class background was more important than years of schooling in deciding a person 's earnings .
18 Good sight lines are more important than evenness of chair layout .
19 Editor , — Since the advent of the NHS reforms and the internal market , expedient treatment and patients ' convenience often seem more important than quality of care .
20 The mythic animals are an even stronger reminder that the fresco artists were depicting another world than the everyday one ; it is a symbolic world where general concepts such as fecundity were more important than accuracy of detail .
21 Priorities in economic policy have changed ; growth becomes more important than redistribution of wealth , and growth is encouraged by deregulation of the economy rather than by state intervention .
22 As in the case of genes , fecundity is much more important than longevity of particular copies .
23 Far more dramatic than rumours of who had offered what in terms of cash was the wholehearted support which the Daily Mail and Lord Rothermere gave the Fascists as 1934 began .
24 It is more complicated also than ( a ) as studied in New York ( Labov , 1966 ) , and more complicated than descriptions of /ae/ in present-day RP ( Gimson , 1970 , etc . ) .
25 We had been advised that its latest English translation by Eivor Martinus was more robust than versions of it generally current here — an unnecessary warning as things turned out .
26 Many people find summer tea parties with scones and strawberries served on the lawn very appealing and much more romantic than mugs of coffee and biscuits in the kitchen .
27 The need to ensure that the new all-regular Army lived in conditions that would not deter recruiting became more pressing than consideration of the risks of capital expenditure on accommodation in areas where reasonable security of tenure was not assured .
28 In experiments on convection , particularly free convection , measurements of the temperature field are usually both easier and more accurate than measurements of the velocity field .
29 Richard Dawkins , the zoologist , points out that large size does not imply bigger creatures were intrinsically more successful than species of a small size .
30 The first factor helps to explain why simulations of physical systems are often more successful than simulations of social , demographic or economic systems , for physical systems are generally easier to isolate , identify and characterize .
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