Example sentences of "than at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in a fast-moving train it is better to look at the horizon than at the close landscape — it is even better to avoid looking out of the window .
2 This will reduce Target 's profits that are subject to corporation tax to £100 , providing Target with an economic benefit of £33 ( assuming that it pays corporation tax at the full rate rather than at the small company 's rate under s13 ) .
3 Greater peace could be found on a boating pond in Regent 's Park than at the populated end of poor Loch Morar in summer , with speed boats raping its once enigmatic waters and queues of cars waiting for senior citizens in their caravans to unblock the single track road where they have parked in a passing place to brew up a cuppa .
4 Where they tended to go wrong was at the micro rather than at the macro level : a mishandling of the relationship between parts rather than the parts themselves .
5 He spoke on a radio programme on which Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley defended AIDS spending cuts , saying the campaign should now be aimed at ‘ groups most at risk ’ rather than at the wider population .
6 If the magnetic field happens to be larger at one side than at the other side , then the beam will be deflected towards the weaker field which makes the field even weaker , etc. , leading to the so-called kink instability ( Fig. 3.3(b) ) .
7 As a result , business was dictated by local tastes and tended to be conducted in the closing stages of the fair rather than at the private view , which used to be marked by dealers trading among themselves .
8 The value of exports in the last three months was 13 per cent higher than at the corresponding stage last year , and volume alone was 11 per cent up , while imports were 20 per cent more in value and 15 per cent up by volume .
9 In theory , a wound ball with the maximum initial velocity allowable , 255 feet per second , at 65°F , will fly some 10 yards less than at the standard temperature .
10 His leadership was never less disputed than at the present moment .
11 Throughout the last 120 years , the demands on the experience and accumulated information of the Geological Survey in Scotland have never been greater than at the present time .
12 Firstly , when we were first discussing the sale , the market was somewhat more buoyant than at the present time .
13 The difficulty here in handling the ( a ) variable following Labov 's model ( which assumes an underlying structural identity ) is that the ( a ) systems in RP and in Scottish English are embedded in structurally different phonologies ; as a consequence the range of realizations in Glasgow does not correspond in any simple way to the range in RP , where there is a distinction at the phonemic level between front and back / a / rather than at the subphonemic level as in Glasgow .
14 While the delay to the start of the flying programme has been much longer than anyone would wish , much more progress has been made in the ground and rig testing than at the comparable stage of any previous project I have been associated with and we are very satisfied indeed with the results that have been obtained so far .
15 Even by 1926 party contacts between the capital and Smolensk were to remain mostly at the written rather than at the human level .
16 The survey showed that breeding had been so successful that there were now three times as many swans than at the last census , taken in 1983 .
17 Given that the group is expected to have made profits for the current year , the net assets will be higher than at the last account date and as the company is being purchased on a multiple of earnings we should consider stripping out the excess assets .
18 Informally put , in the case of an oligopolistic market this can be achieved by an agreement which specifies that the punishing firms choose outputs or prices which yield them higher profit than at the collusive allocation , so that they would actually gain in the punishment phase .
19 Still , he reckons that the bigger the mainframe , the cheaper relatively it is to buy — 10% cheaper , in fact , at the top than at the bottom end of the range .
20 The minimum fell somewhere between maternal ages 20 and 35 years and , from the minimum , the proportion of still births increased again towards older maternal age where , in most samples , it became higher than at the younger end of the maternal age scale .
21 The protocol at Ingard House was far more elaborate than at the head office of the bank .
22 Company liquidations have increased more sharply recently than at the same stage of the last recession , when defaults significantly lagged the deterioration in companies ' financial position , but corporate indebtedness has been much higher both at the outset of the recession and subsequently .
23 Judge power The authorised number of Lords Justices was at present 26 , one less than at the same time last year .
24 It is already apparent that players are much fitter than at the same time last season .
25 The amount of money donated to the Village Association through the envelopes is less than at the same time last year .
26 The danger of inflation was underlined by figures which showed that there were 15,400 million lei more in circulation on May 21 , 1990 , than at the same time in 1989 .
27 Oil prices remained 35 per cent higher than at the same time the previous year , the prospect of increased trade with Saudi Arabia and Iran opened up and major development projects , such as the expansion of the Das Island gas liquefaction plant and Dubai 's dhow wharfage scheme , recommenced .
28 The total number killed was 16 fewer than at the same time last year .
29 ‘ I can tell you he 's running quicker than at the same time last year , ’ said the Welshman , confident that Christie is capable of matching Canadian Bruny Surin 's 1993 world best of 6.45 .
30 He 's more forward than at the same time last season . ’
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