Example sentences of "to thrash out [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 WORRIED Sunderland boss Malcolm Crosby is ready to thrash out a £250,000 deal for Sheffield Wednesday midfielder Danny Wilson .
2 When he got his breath back he told Sutton it was imperative they sat down that night , the next night , the night after — however long it would take to thrash out a plan for the paper .
3 The three islands councils , Highland Region and Highlands and Islands Enterprise , plus a representative of the district councils and possibly the health boards , will meet to thrash out a list of priorities , as has already been happening under Objective 5b .
4 JOHN Major presided over a special Downing Street summit of ministers last night to thrash out a solution to the Government 's deadlock over the pit closure programme .
5 Meanwhile , Villa chairman Doug Ellis will meet officials of Italian club Bari this week to thrash out a dispute over £1m missing from David Platt 's transfer .
6 Mr Taylor and Rick Parry , the Premier League chief executive , who spent much of the weekend trying to thrash out an agreement on the telephone , are likely to meet again in the next 48 hours .
7 ‘ You have n't allowed yourselves much time to thrash out the Unesco project , ’ said Robina vigorously .
8 CAMERA-shy ministers avoided photographers yesterday as they gathered for a crucial Cabinet meeting to thrash out the Government 's public spending plans for the coming financial year .
9 The Cabinet was meeting to thrash out the Government 's public spending plans for 1993/94 .
10 A team of Education Ministers will have been locked up together for days or even weeks on end to thrash out the details of the Bill .
11 The main stand is a gutted shell and home games have been played at Guisborough while club staff try to thrash out the situation with insurers .
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