Example sentences of "to clamp down on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Informix Software Ltd is setting up an investigation unit in the UK , providing a free , confidential phone line for resellers and users and including a licence manager with its software , in a new initiative to clamp down on software piracy in its reseller channel .
2 The Osaka police department has considered one strategy to clamp down on otaku porn networks : hire otaku policemen .
3 THE Government 's Green Bill would seriously damage the independent role of National Rivers Authority and its ability to clamp down on pollution , the organisation 's chief scientist , Dr Jan Pentreath , said yesterday .
4 The move to clamp down on specialist valuations is another step in the campaign by the Chartered Accountants Joint Ethics Committee to ensure that auditors are seen to be independent .
5 With the Paisley MPs Irene Adams and Gordon McMaster , Mr McFall was lending his support to Operation Blade , an initiative by Strathclyde Police to clamp down on knife crime .
6 Sandy Seymour was among drivers , managers and police officers helping to publicise the latest aspect of Operation Blade , the campaign by Strathclyde Police to clamp down on knife crime .
7 The Social Security Minister has promised to clamp down on benefit payments to New Age travellers .
8 The Social Security Minister has promised to clamp down on benefit payments to New Age travellers .
9 SHOPKEEPERS in the North-East will take a tough line on the sale of solvents in a bid to clamp down on glue sniffing .
10 According to an auction house representative the latter is the more likely outcome , because he doubts whether some countries , for example Italy , will be able to clamp down on smuggling .
11 The reluctance of the judge at first instance to adopt a policy approach at a time when the obvious intention of the Act , not to mention the thrust of securities regulation in general , was to clamp down on market abuse , can only be described as an anomalous , not to mention unwelcome , development .
12 I was less impressed by a news story in the Sunday Times announcing that the Pope is cracking down on sinners for Easter week : ‘ The Pope has ordered priests in the confessional box to clamp down on sin as churches prepare for the traditional Easter rush of sinners seeking forgiveness this week , ’ it announced knowingly .
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