Example sentences of "originates from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 47 ) includes an acanthus scroll which is similar in style ( and also originates from a mask of Neptune ) to that at Woodchester .
2 The Rottweiler originates from a town of the same name , Rottweil , known as Arae Flaviae by the Romans .
3 More recent imaging results from the SIGMA telescope aboard the GRANAT satellite show , however , that the variable component of the 511keV line emission originates from a source that lies 0.75° ( 105pc ) from Sgr A. The dynamical centre of the Galaxy can not lie so far from Sgr A , so the γ -ray line source can not mark the nucleus .
4 If the burst originates from a source a distance R from the Earth in which a total mass M is converted to gravitational radiation , we have .
5 Therefore , if you are confronted with a rug decorated in an intricate and curvilinear floral-inspired scheme , it is reasonable to assume that it probably originates from a workshop group in one of the limited number of countries which specialize in these designs .
6 The current interest in FELs originates from the work of John Madey at Stanford University .
7 The idea of well-being originates from the principle of balance ; a harmonious relationship and union between mind and body .
8 In the absence of an obvious bleeding point , it is impossible to be certain that bleeding originates from the angiodysplasia until the rest of the gastrointestinal tract has been examined .
9 The common Stickleback , once so abundant in our rivers and streams , actually originates from the saltmarsh .
10 Munster originates from the Vosges mountains of France , but is much imitated throughout the world .
11 It originates from the Korner 6th Report ( NHS/DHSS , 1984 ) and shows ‘ How money is spent in a hospital day by day ’ .
12 This finding indicates that the catalytically active PLA2 in serum in acute pancreatitis not only originates from the pancreas but also from other sources .
13 The kiai originates from the diaphragm , thus using the muscles of the lower chest and stomach , the strong contraction of which forces the air out of the lungs .
14 The approach originates from the insights of Coase ( 1937 ) but has largely been developed by Williamson ( e.g. 1971,1975 , and 1985 ) .
15 The technique originates from the Dolphin Programme devised by Brain Technologies in the US .
16 From Fosse Contracts , ( ) , the Leicester based company , comes the Novacrylic , a surface which originates from the United States and which has been installed in the White House , no less .
17 Once again , Marxists claim , medicine performs its camouflage trick for capitalism , masking the extent to which ill-health originates from the exploitation of workers in the production process itself .
18 Narrow gauge actually originates from the width of a horse 's backside .
19 I first met Mr. Docherty , a 32-year-old man who originates from the Hemsworth area , while canvassing in a local government by-election in my constituency during March this year .
20 The nominalist impulse , therefore , which originates from the attempt to make generality in the world a creation of mind — thus allowing the extra-mental world to consist only of particulars — eventually leads to trying to explain the powers of the mind entirely in terms of the work of particulars .
21 The foetus which develops in the womb originates from the fusion of two sex cells , the ovum and sperm , and comprises a series of cell structures with a central nucleus containing the hereditary material , known as chromosomes .
22 The Tiger Fish originates from the Amazon , as do its distant cousins the Piranhas , and other members of the Characin family ( yes , that includes Neon Tetras ) .
23 The word jeans originates from the place name Genoa where sailors from the port hit on the idea of making trousers from the sturdy sailcloth .
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