Example sentences of "resorted to [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 the most expedient course to consult the architect who had already been employed to prepare plans for the particular office now to be built , and who from his official position in connexion with the Board of Works might be resorted to with the least invidiousness to the professional public .
2 One most destructive mode by which vast numbers are destroyed is that of chasing the birds in a boat at the time they shed their primary quill-feathers , when being unable to fly they are soon rowed down and captured ; this practice , which is to be much regretted , is usually resorted to for the sake of the beautiful down with which the breasts are clothed , but not unfrequently is mere wantonness .
3 Satyāgraha was resorted to in the case of the peasant cultivators of Kheda , who sought suspension of the payment of an annual revenue assessment because of the failure of crops and an impending famine .
4 Desperate remedies were resorted to in the search for food .
5 resorted to by the most abandoned characters — poachers , smugglers and night depredators who pass their time in playing at cards for the expenses of the night , in raffling for game and poultry , and concocting plans for future mischief … and not one in ten sells home-brewed beer .
6 It was significant that the Official Secrets Act — the use of which would have been fatal to the publication — was not resorted to by the government .
7 Vagueness was resorted to by the judge in Jenkins v Reid in order to explain why a reformulation of a clause was unacceptable and in Gledhow Autoparts Ltd v Delaney [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 1366 Dankwerts LJ criticised the phrase " districts in which the traveller had operated " as being too vague especially as instructions given as to where he should work were purely oral .
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