Example sentences of "counsel for the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Koc told Mr Roger HendersonQC , counsel for the GMC , that the ‘ broker ’ brothers Mr Ata Nur and Mr Riza Kuntar had promised him he would be getting a job when he was brought to England .
2 Mr Koc told Mr Roger HendersonQC , counsel for the GMC , that the ‘ broker ’ brothers Mr Ata Nur and Mr Riza Kuntar had promised him he would be getting a job when he was brought to England .
3 Robert Francis QC , counsel for the Airedale NHS Trust , said Tony 's condition was that of a persistent vegetative state ‘ little more than a living death ’ .
4 Henry Erskine , counsel for the Middlesex committee , said it was a common trick for people claiming benefit of the acts of insolvency , and the bankrupt laws , to bargain for goods to a large amount from strangers to enable their estates to make a better dividend among their old creditors .
5 Neil Davidson , counsel for the Deans , said they denied allegations levelled at them by the shareholders , many of which can not be reported because of restrictions imposed by Lord Cullen .
6 Counsel for the SFO announced on Feb. 7 , 1992 , that charges against Seelig and David Mayhew ( a stockbroker ) which were to have formed the basis of a third trial had now been withdrawn .
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