Example sentences of "full well [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Rogal Dorn has blessed you with wisdom , ’ Lexandro said airily , knowing full well that Tundrish spent much more time in the scriptories than praying in cell or chapel .
2 Successive personnel managers had always caved in to his demands as they knew full well that Clasper would win a stand-up fight .
3 In his usual thrusting manner , he fought inside McLaren to get the engine put to use as soon as possible , knowing full well that engine development on a bench or in testing is very different to developing an engine that will be competitive under the stress of FI racing .
4 USL is apparently unwilling to budge on standard pricing , knowing full well that SCO is trying to pull together an agreement for SVR4 by the time of its showpiece SCO Forum in Santa Cruz this week .
5 The hon. Gentleman knows full well that United States Government policy is a matter for the United States .
6 Some companies advertise kit , knowing full well that stocks are low and may not last for the full life of the ad .
7 Like the other parties , it knows full well that extremism is the worst thing that can happen to a good cause .
8 The manager had been trying to set himself up in the Business when he knew full well that Clive had the franchise .
9 Yet , given her great fears on that score , Rosemary , when she knew full well that Travis was in their flat , came across the corridor for coffee later that night .
10 The dealer knew full well that Bruce Springsteen was not signed up by Towerbell .
11 He knows full well that Christians can and do sin , and if we pretend otherwise we are lying ( 1:8,10 ) .
12 The conclusion is inescapable that the reason why the US and UK have illegally rejected all means for the peaceful resolution of this dispute with Libya is that both states know full well that Libya was not responsible for the Lockerbie bombing .
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