Example sentences of "subject [prep] the rule " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , while the EC countries want EFTA to be subject to the rules of the European Court of Justice , EFTA governments would prefer a new legal structure consisting of judges from both sides .
2 Or , at the very least , their arguments to the contrary are subject to the rules of logic .
3 Equally , the right to a redundancy payment is subject to the rules about offers of alternative employment mentioned above .
4 Because of their bitter , unrelenting struggle against the Dark Elves , the Shadow Warriors are subject to the rules for hatred when fighting Dark Elves
5 The fact that some of the activities and functions of governmental agencies are subject to the rules of private law shows that we can not ( contrary to the tentative definition of public law suggested earlier ) answer this question solely in terms of whether we are dealing with a governmental agency .
6 You can have limited use of the computing facilities at the Computing Services section ; subject to the rules of the Service .
7 The grounds for relief were , inter alia , that Lautro failed to comply with the rules of natural justice and to act fairly in that it failed before the service of the notice to inform the applicant or Winchester of the allegations being made therein , failed to allow Winchester or its controllers , directors , senior management or authorised company representatives the opportunity of answering or responding to the allegations made against them , failed to take into account the interest of Winchester , its controllers , directors , senior management or authorised representatives when deciding to exercise the notice ; that Lautro acted unreasonably and came to a decision such that no person or body properly directing itself on the relevant law and acting reasonably could have reached in that it acted with bias against Winchester and its officials , issued the notice at a time its investigations were incomplete and on the basis of findings which were erroneous and provisional , and failed to conclude its investigations before serving the notice ; and that Lautro acted ultra vires and in error of law in that the rights of appeal applied to any person subject to the rules of Lautro whether or not members .
8 However , section 64(4) ( b ) might seem to contemplate that an appointed representative can also be subject to the rules of a self-regulating organisation and thus under the statute a member of it .
9 ‘ an appointed representative whose principal … is a member of such an organisation … and is subject to the rules of such an organisation … in carrying on the investment business in respect of which his principal … has accepted responsibility for his activities ; …
10 subject to the rules of that S.R.O .
11 Thus , he submits , Winchester was subject to the rules of Lautro , and therefore it follows a member within the statutory meaning of that word .
12 ‘ an appointed representative whose principal … is a member of ( a recognised self-regulating organisation ) and is subject to the rules of such an organisation … in carrying on the investment business in respect of which his principal or each of his principals has accepted responsibility for his activities ; …
13 Mr. Collins submits that this wording implies that there may be appointed representatives who are subject to the rules of recognised S.R.O . 's .
14 The phrase ‘ is subject to the rules of such an organisation ’ qualify the principal in that case , not the appointed representative .
15 There is a powerful argument for saying that , in general , it should be subject to the rules of administrative law .
16 An exclusion clause , which purports to exclude or limit liability under these terms , is subject to the rules already outlined in this chapter , including the rules laid down in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 .
17 That any Petitioner whose Petition stands referred to the Select Committee shall , subject to the Rules and Orders of the House and to the Prayer of his Petition , be entitled to be heard by himself , his Counsel or Agents upon his Petition provided that it is prepared and signed in conformity with the Rules and Orders of the House , and the Member in charge of the Bill shall be entitled to be heard by his Counsel or Agents in favour of the Bill against that Petition .
18 The properties of the sample — the density , optical clarity , modulus , and general mechanical response all change dramatically when crystallites are present and the polymer is no longer subject to the rules of linear visco-elasticity , which apply to amorphous polymers as outlined in Chapter 13 .
19 An MNP practising in England and Wales will need to comply with all the rules applying to solicitors in England and Wales , because both solicitors and their RFL partners will be directly subject to the rules .
20 The management of the Company and the allotment , issue , holding , transfer and transmission of all shares in the capital of the Company shall be subject to the Rules and nothing in the regulations of the Company shall be construed as authorising any breach of the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies by virtue of the Rules or Section 9 of the AJA .
21 Subject to the Rules and to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares , on a show of hands every member who ( being an individual ) is present in person or ( being a recognised body ) is present by a duly authorised corporate representative [ , not being himself a member entitled to vote , ] shall have one vote and on a poll every member shall have one vote for every share of which he is the holder .
22 The management of the Company and the allotment , issue , holding , transfer and transmission of all shares in the capital of the Company shall be subject to the Rules and nothing in the regulations of the Company shall be construed as authorising any breach of the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies by virtue of the Rules or Section 9 of the AJA .
23 Subject to the Rules and to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares , on a show of hands every member who ( being an individual ) is present in person or ( being a recognised body ) is present by a duly authorised corporate representative [ , not being himself a member entitled to vote , ] shall have one vote and on a poll every member shall have one vote for every share of which he is the holder .
24 Now it can be , subject to the rules in s.4 ( see below ) .
25 However , " on-exchange " is ; it means a transaction on , or subject to the rules of , a recognised investment exchange ( RIE ) or a designated investment exchange ( DIE ) , or a transaction matched and identified as matched with such an exchange transaction ( unless prohibited by the exchange ) .
26 The situation is frequently reinforced by customer contracts or confirmation notes stating that all business is subject to the rules of the exchange .
27 Further , by wills and settlements , provision may be made for those who may come into existence at a future time , subject to the rule against perpetuities , which forbids any disposition which is not certain to take effect ( if it takes effect at all ) within lives in being and twenty-one years afterwards ; but a life in being includes a person en ventre sa mere at the time when the will or settlement takes effect .
28 But a corporation created by or in pursuance of an Act of Parliament is subject to the rule that it has only such powers as are expressly conferred , or are necessarily or reasonably incident to the fulfilment of the purposes for which it is established .
29 He found it in the fact that the State , ‘ united for once in spirit ’ and ‘ with the fervent consent of the people of every land subject to the rule of our King ’ had entered on an arduous conflict , not for territory or glory but ‘ for the sake of enforcing the plainest rules of international justice and the plainest dictates of common humanity ’ .
30 It aims at bringing about a Bill of Rights , a fair electoral system , proper devolution and a written constitution that ensures government is subject to the rule of law .
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