Example sentences of "showing signs [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both are today showing signs of weakness , but they are still far short of the east-coast mess .
2 Another symptom is writing numbers or letters backwards — again a common enough thing to do when a child is learning to write , particularly if he or she is left-handed , or perhaps dyslexic ; and probably most absurd of all , children who refer to television characters as real people are showing signs of abuse .
3 The time was 6.30 a.m. , the bunks on either side of the hut were now showing signs of life and the Sergeant made his noisy way towards the door at the far end of the hut , banging on each bed with his stick as he went .
4 Graham the guitarist is still dry to the point of death , only showing signs of life when a football appears .
5 Already showing signs of life , patients were brought in one by one from the pile next door and wedged on to the chair in Room I , which looked like what it was , a laboratory in the Hygienic Institute , a world of bubbles and bottles .
6 By then I was on my feet and I could see her face , the cheeks marked by the slaps he had given her , the eyes showing signs of intelligence again .
7 Here , the mare is clearly showing signs of irritation while the youngster is mouthing in a gesture of submission .
8 Jenna looked up , but she dared not look further than the hard chest , the white shirt still showing signs of damp .
9 Working on the basis that there is a finite number of hill walkers , and I believe that to be the case , then spreading the load will only have a good effect on the more popular hills — some of which are showing signs of over-use .
10 He claimed the housing market was showing signs of revival but he gave it a prod anyway by raising the threshold on stamp duty from £30,000 to £60,000 , move that will help mainly first-time buyers .
11 Any batteries , pods , packs or trays showing signs of corrosion or rust must be replaced .
12 That 's been er er a matter which has been erm discussed er at some length by Stragg as has the topic of er house building and the the problems of er capacity for er new house instruction and other development within the , the Council but a number of erm matters er not least of which has been er the departure of two key members of staff during the period er there has er I 'm afraid been a degree of slippage and the original programme that we have put to you and which you agreed which we said at the time was ambitious er is already er showing signs of stress and it looks now I 'm afraid that it will not be er in the early part of the summer that the structure plan in draft form will be available and ready to be approved for consultation purposes , but towards the end of the summer and er er into the early autumn .
13 He received acetylcysteine , but his condition deteriorated , showing signs of liver failure , and he was transferred to this hospital for supportive treatment .
14 We suspect that your golden elder is basically quite healthy but , as soon as the warmer , drier weather sets in it is showing signs of drought stress .
15 Some children among Sarajevo 's 330,000 inhabitants were showing signs of malnutrition .
16 The admission of a tenant already showing signs of dementia requires very careful consideration in the individual case .
17 With the help of around 250 volunteers , some showing signs of dementia , the Optima research team have taken an important step forward in their understanding of Alzheimers Disease .
18 A little further south , early winter-drilled wheats looks good , but later-drilled crops extremely patchy and winter barley showing signs of disease .
19 Amaranth , who had been showing signs of boredom , flashed Barton her selection-committee smile .
20 So now , although her guests had really had enough tea and would rather have been somewhere else , everyone was showing signs of impatience for another cup .
21 ‘ Give us credit for some sense ! ’ barked Iris , who had been showing signs of impatience .
22 APPLICATIONS for credit have risen sharply in the wake of the Tory 's election victory , while the used car market is showing signs of improvement .
23 Leslie Crowther showing signs of improvement
24 Wang Youca , a student leader serving a four-year prison sentence , was released on parole for showing signs of repentance , according to the official Xinhua news agency .
25 But now , inspired by the example of their neighbours in the restless Islamic Soviet Central Asian republics , one group of Chinese Muslims in Xinjiang province , which borders Afghanistan , Pakistan and the Soviet republics of Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan and Kirgizia , is showing signs of dissatisfaction and a desire for greater autonomy which manifested themselves in a small but bloody rebellion in March of this year .
26 The fluoridation plant in Watford , also showing signs of age , stopped operating in 1989 .
27 ‘ Our oil-fired central heating system was showing signs of age , so the National Trust 's adviser on Conservation Heating looked for a new system which would be efficient , cost effective and environmentally sound .
28 The ‘ proactive ’ fishkeeper will medicate with malachite green and formalin , every spring and autumn , to bring down populations of protozoan parasites , and he does this irrespective of whether or not the fish are showing signs of discomfort .
29 Mind you , I think they 've had a bit of luck lately with a couple of wealthy chaps coming to live in the area and showing signs of interest . ’
30 Apart from Couples , there is Payne Stewart , Tom Watson , Mark O'Meara , Davis Love and , for the hell of it , Raymond Floyd , all good Americans all showing signs of form .
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