Example sentences of "writing [art] history of " in BNC.

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1 If one were writing the history of Western Europe in the period from about 330 to about 700 ad , there would , inevitably , be two major themes .
2 This is the UK support to an international team engaged in writing the history of CERN .
3 Lot was inspired by Ernst Dümmler 's Geschichte des ostfränkischen Reiches , to write not annals but a history of Charles 's reign : " But we have kept tightly within the frame of our subject : while M. Duemmler , under colour of writing the history of the East Frankish kingdom , has dealt almost as much with the history of Italy , of Lotharingia , of West Francia , we have devoted ourselves uniquely to the study of this last country , seen from a political point of view " .
4 Writing the history of the electronic-information rich countries at the end of the millennium could be done with dynamic resources that would offer comprehensive profiles of political , economic , social , and cultural worlds .
5 Of the first thirty cantos by themselves , no account is more plausible than that of a writer in the New York Herald Tribune Books for 9 January 1927 , who decided : ‘ Mr Pound is avowedly writing a history of the Mediterranean basin' .
6 I am now writing a history of the company in readiness for its centenary in 1999 .
7 Derrida focuses on Foucault 's claim that in Madness and Civilization he is writing a history of the Other .
8 I 'm writing a history of climbing in the Peak District from 1930 to the present .
9 Bayezid II was won over by Mueyyedzade 's arguments and not only appointed Kemalpasazade to the Taslik medrese but also charged him with writing a history of the Ottoman dynasty in Turkish to serve as a companion piece to that being written in Persian by Idris Bitlisi
10 John McCormick is currently writing a history of the global environmental movement .
11 She is a historian , or more properly a micro-historian , and she is writing a history of our hillside — the road I walk up from the station and the various lanes and alleyways that open off it .
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