Example sentences of "impossible to see [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the loyalists the purpose is to remain part of the U K and those two are so far apart , those two positions , that it 's impossible to see a bridge between them and that 's the difficulty .
2 The storm clouds gathered , the rain poured down and as the skies darkened , it became impossible to see the ball .
3 It 's impossible to see the fat that 's in a crisp , or biscuit , or chocolate bar .
4 A succession of avoidable mishaps can so sap morale and resources , that it becomes impossible to see the wood for the trees , and your energy is exhausted reacting to emergencies .
5 When they were round the corner , it was impossible to see the heap of trees and rocks .
6 It was the tallest room he had ever seen and was so dark near the top it was impossible to see the ceiling — if there was one .
7 Because the drives curved , it was impossible to see the carriages before they were almost on top of you .
8 As it was impossible to see the ground I kept my legs braced , but when I hit the desert I suffered a tremendous jolt right through my body .
9 There is no precise meaning to ‘ double ’ with regard to petal number , and the word is taken to mean a number of petals so closely packed that until the bloom fully opens and then ‘ blows ’ , it is virtually impossible to see the anthers and other sexual parts of the flower — they are quite hidden .
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