Example sentences of "becoming available [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty was compounded by the new knowledge that was becoming available through the flowering of 17th century science .
2 With the Amazon Swords , there are lot of very good , very large plants becoming available at the moment .
3 They could now proceed in the knowledge that a small but growing number of nuclear weapons was becoming available to the British armed forces .
4 Psychic healing , once written off by the medical establishment as bunkum and jiggery- pokery , is now recommended by some GPs and is becoming available on the NHS .
5 Products like PageMaker and Harvard Publisher are just becoming available on the PC , those currently available include Fleet Street Editor ( very limited on features and capability ) , Front Page and Portfolio .
6 Similarly , in a year of mean rainfall the water is more evenly spread , 25% of the total becoming available in the same 5 month period .
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