Example sentences of "work [prep] [art] home " in BNC.

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1 The code of conduct outlines what is expected of you when you work in the Home .
2 Many women go out to work ; many women ( and some men ) work in the home , but one would never guess the facts from this kind of statement :
3 For this reason urban women in Pakistan only rarely work outside the home .
5 We believe mothers should be treated equally by government , whether they work outside the home or not .
6 Spending also varies according to whether married women work outside the home .
7 Welsh parents attach considerable importance to privacy and to time away from the work of child care , for either work outside the home or leisure activities .
8 For those who work outside the home , out of many choices , it was their ‘ relationship with colleagues ’ that gives them the most satisfaction ( 80% ) , with flexibility of working hours ( 68% ) and pay ( 60% ) trailing behind .
9 Related to this is the issue of the double workload women have to cope with if they work outside the home — paid work by day and unpaid work for the remainder of the time .
10 In the pre-war world which informed Beveridge 's design for the Social Insurance system ( Beveridge , 1942 ) , a woman 's labour force career usually ended upon marriage and work outside the home was normally treated as incompatible with domestic duty .
11 For people who work outside the home , work provides the main opportunity to form this loose social network but for others the same support is provided by an extended family network of children , grandchildren , brothers and sisters and neighbours .
12 An American study from the University of Oregon showed that housewives had a 54 per cent higher incidence of cancer than the female population as a whole and 157 per cent higher than that portion of the female population who work outside the home .
13 A high proportion of married women work outside the home .
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