Example sentences of "through to [art] back " in BNC.

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1 When he bolted the door , pulled down the shutter , put the chairs on the tables , emptied the till and swept the floor he was able to walk through to the back , climb the stairs , sprawl into a big armchair and look at his collection of pictures , news cuttings , fan club items , record sleeves and signed photographs of Shirley Temple .
2 Henry went through to the back of the shop .
3 Pain in the lower right chest through to the back ( like Mercurius ) worse ( < ) lying on the painful side , ( Opposite to Bryonia )
4 Affects the right lower chest with stitches through to the back ( like in Kali carb . ) .
5 You 'd go through to the back place and as soon as the licensee saw you , there 's two pints .
6 ‘ It 's got a hard-tail , like my ‘ 64 , so the strings go straight through to the back of the body .
7 And the bridge , with the strings going through to the back of the body ?
8 When the door clicked he walked right through to the back , past two secretaries who did not even look up .
9 But I must have felt the need for some support , because I found I 'd grabbed hold of one of my hammers — a geologist is always armed with a hammer — and when I got through to the back of the house he was there already , at the kitchen window . ’
10 He walked through to the back of the shop and called out to his father-in-law .
11 Watercolour papers are usually internally sized with gelatine ( Hot Pressed papers tend also to have a surface sizing ) which prevents water and colour from seeping into the paper fibres and through to the back .
12 " Is he indeed , " muttered her father , and went through to the back where there was a newly planted orchard and herb garden .
13 Tony Jones lifted the serving hatch and invited George through to the back of the shop .
14 The proprietor thrust aside the plastic tassels that filled the doorway through to the back of the dry cleaner 's and dumped his shopping bag on the floor next to an ironing board .
15 ‘ Go through to the back , Rachaela .
16 And I said , If somebody 's serving somebody in the shop and perhaps they you know two of three of them perhaps together , I said , but do n't talk in the shop I said , go through to the back if you want to chat .
17 Ilsa 's house was dark and we padded through to the back porch like conspirators .
18 The Hijackers do n't know there 's a C.B. in the truck so I 've managed to feed the mike through to the back and I 'll keep sending as much information as I can .
19 His earlier good spirits fading , Robert followed Dr Ali through to the back lawn , as , from a side entrance to the school , the headmaster emerged carrying a large white box .
20 She could feel them pierce through to the back of her head .
21 When I first came to live here this room ran through to the back of the house , but my husband put up a partition , so we have a small room at the back where we can have our meals .
22 A spokesman for Darlington police said the thieves got into the bank through the rear and then broke through to the back of the cash dispensing machines in the bank foyer .
23 Two draws by Pegg set up a 10-8 win , with Kormann being forced to attempt a draw to the two-foot from the frosty outside ice ; it slipped through to the back of the house .
24 and then it goes through to the back , now his , although it looks
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