Example sentences of "through [prep] the kitchen " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aye , come through into the kitchen , ’ Hari spoke guardedly and Emily could n't blame her for being suspicious .
2 ‘ That would explain it , ’ Angelica said , pushing open the service door that led through into the kitchen .
3 Finally he wandered through into the kitchen , pulled off his jacket and draped it over the back of a chair .
4 ‘ Is our guest still asleep ? ’ he asked as he walked through into the kitchen in his towelling robe , the cup of tea in his hand .
5 Donna hurried through into the kitchen and sat down at the wooden table , pulling the envelopes from her handbag .
6 Shivering a little he went through into the kitchen and opened the back door .
7 After she 'd hung up , she went through into the kitchen .
8 ‘ Claudine , ’ he said tersely , flinging his coat off and striding through into the kitchen .
9 Water pouring through into the kitchen water pouring down the electric wire of the lamp in the study !
10 ‘ It 's out ! ’ the voice floated through from the kitchen with a smell of fresh chips and hot beans .
11 ‘ I 've set the table outside on the terrace , ’ Fernando told her , stepping through from the kitchen beyond .
12 More bangs from the rear of the house , the door through to the kitchen slammed back against the wall , the room filled with soldiers , and in the wrecked doorway a tall , slim officer was making a small ceremony of ushering in a man with long grey hair and a black coat .
13 It was so pitifully easy for the customers : the temptation so hard to resist , to pick up a bar or two of chocolate from the counter , a packet of tea from the shelf , even a bag of flour , as my aunt came from behind the counter , passed through to the kitchen , down the steps into the old still-room to draw vinegar from the cask , or paraffin from the tank ( its pump rattling up-down , up-down ) , or across the yard for corn or toppings , or up the back stairs for some item kept on the little landing ; so that the shop began to make small profit or none at all .
14 Taking his plate through to the kitchen , he washed it and filled the kettle .
15 Maggie went through to the kitchen where April was rolling pastry and Pet , her fourteen-year-old sister , paring and cutting up apples .
16 She stood for a few moments catching her breath , then continued through to the kitchen .
17 ‘ We 're home ! ’ shouted Susan , and went through to the kitchen leaving Maggie to close the front door .
18 Henry rushed through to the kitchen , poured the dynercaprol and potassium chloride into a small glass of water and hurried back to Donald .
19 He followed her through to the kitchen where , as far as he could see , she was still in operatic mode .
20 Perhaps you would bring the proofs through to the kitchen . ’
21 Folding her coat over the ornate wooden newel post at the foot of the stairs , she went through to the kitchen and the last task of the day , setting out the Copleys ' early-morning tray .
22 ‘ You can come through to the kitchen and help me make the tea , ’ Miss Honey said , and she led the way along the tunnel into the kitchen — that is if you could call it a kitchen .
23 He went through to the kitchen and knew immediately who the caller was by the apprehension in her eyes .
24 A Corporal appeared and beckoned me through to the kitchen ; he was taller and thinner than the other one and his arms were covered with rough tattoos executed in Indian ink ; on his right forearm were the words , ( My courage for my father , my heart for my mother , my prick for a whore ) .
25 There were tears in her eyes and when they went through to the kitchen she hugged and kissed them both .
26 He stood up , flexed his powerful shoulders and having pulled on a jerkin and breeches , went through to the kitchen , ate a hunk of fresh-baked bread and walked off down the steep narrow hill that led between stone cottages to Mother Russell 's alehouse , where the Pascoe girls earned their living .
27 Lizzy walked into the front room and through to the kitchen where she began to make herself a cup of coffee as if nothing had happened .
28 She followed her daughter through to the kitchen .
29 He went through to the kitchen to look for the brandy bottle .
30 She went through to the kitchen to fetch the coffee she 'd put on earlier .
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