Example sentences of "to work [prep] the morning " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well at least it 's not too far to go to get to work in the morning , I 'll give it that . ’
2 That means I can walk to work in the morning .
3 ‘ I 've got to work in the morning . ’
4 Perhaps he was more specific , speaking of what he usually saw when he came to work in the morning — Eva in her blue silk pyjamas and red robe shouting and laughing and giving orders to me for breakfast , and reading aloud from the papers .
5 Well that 's what Breeze am keep telling me when I got to work in the morning it 's about the time of recession people should advertise more not less that maybe but the hard financial situation of the theatre finds itself in is to find that sort of money is very difficult at the moment .
6 Victoria and Kay were so impressed with her rapport with the children that they asked her to work in the morning as well .
7 The range of attitudes is illustrated by strategies that state , at one extreme , that ‘ all people should be provided with access to public transport services for three return trips a day to the nearest market town , providing for a journey to work in the morning , a mid-day shopping journey and a journey home in the evening … ’ , and suggest , at the other extreme , that all ‘ deep ’ rural areas should have a public transport service to a local centre on at least two days a week or that all sizeable villages should be served by public transport on one day a week ( Adams et al .
8 I was always worried when he went to work , but y you do n't think your husband 's going to go to work in the morning at five o'clock and never come home again .
9 She had bought her own copy of the Koran and was to be seen reading it on her way to work in the morning .
10 Not even as f far as getting him to work in the morning .
11 When I 've been taking Paul to work in the morning they 've been giving me flashes and then if I , you know , flashed them back they have n't put their headlights on so I thought oh bugger yous !
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