Example sentences of "exactly [art] same position " in BNC.

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1 It means the cameras can focus on the lectern knowing that the speaker will always be placed in exactly the same position relevant to it .
2 He dragged a bag out , turned it round and pushed it back in exactly the same position .
3 Kirov crouched at his side , removing a couple of pins and replacing them in exactly the same position .
4 This poor woman and her child are in exactly the same position as Philippe .
5 Scientists attempting to calculate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations are in exactly the same position : the only evidence we have for life anywhere in the Universe is confined to this planet .
6 It is unlikely to be in exactly the same position , even if she could find it , for during the night there is a great deal of jostling among the youngsters and any one of them may have moved about eighteen inches or so .
7 He dies lying across his brother 's body , a complicated split screen effect in which Irons was first Elliot , sprawled half-sitting against the wall with a stand-in across his lap , and then Beverly lying in exactly the same position as the stand-in for a matte shot to be inserted in the first image .
8 If it is a possible view that section 8 is intended to put a 16- or 17-year-old in exactly the same position as an adult and there is thus some ambiguity , although I do not think that there is , it is a permissible aid to construction to seek to ascertain the mischief at which the section is directed .
9 A great deal of this is down to the fact that the sweet spot is in exactly the same position throughout the set .
10 It says that if an ALT can SKIP to a second ALT , which in turn can SKIP to P , then all other options in these ALTs are in exactly the same position : they might be offered , or might be ignored in favour of P. ( 2.12 ) unc The final law depends on the fact that we are only interested in minimal acceptance sets .
11 When this dialogue is opened again , the same folder or file selection is presented and the scroll bar is in exactly the same position .
12 I believe that , if it is established through a proper investigation that a company has been victimising workers for reporting safety concerns , that company — whether it is a contractor or an operator — must be in exactly the same position as an employee who has jeopardised the safety of a platform .
13 Outside the meeting can I just say I 'm getting some of the new screening sheets through , you know first , but people do n't seem to know what they 're supposed to do with them and their in exactly the same position that they were before .
14 exactly the same position on .
15 Dr Steel said the Scottish findings showed the same linkage and located the gene in exactly the same position as similar work carried out in England , the United States , Germany , France , Sweden , the Netherlands and Iceland .
16 This surely , whatever else it means , this , for this scripture here surely means that those people who had the opportunity of accepting Christ , of responding to him , but who have rejected him , they are in exactly the same position as Pontius Pilate .
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