Example sentences of "exactly the [det] reason " in BNC.

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1 She liked Matilda for exactly the same reasons .
2 The wording of the EPC , however , is difficult to apply to morality issues surrounding genetically engineered organisms for exactly the same reasons that difficulties arise over ‘ essentially biological processes ’ — the drafters of the convention did not envisage patenting of plants and animals .
3 It is the type that sea fishermen use for exactly the same reason .
4 The galaxies may continue to recede from each other but , under the influence of the Universe 's own gravity , begin to slow down and then start to come towards each other again — in exactly the same way , and for exactly the same reason , that a ball thrown into the air will slow and then return to the ground .
5 She detested Topaz for exactly the same reason and her constant nagging had made Loverin 's mind up for him .
6 When I consider the mover and seconder of the Loyal Address today , I can not escape the feeling that , while the right hon. Member for Worcester was in successive Tory Governments because of his cleverness , the hon. Member for Thanet , South may have been kept out of successive Tory Governments for exactly the same reason .
7 And finally we shall cross the name of Cedric Downes off that same list , and for exactly the same reason .
8 Noel Blake was kicked out for exactly the same reason — he could nt handle being in a squad .
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